Steadygain's Account Talk

Well everyone -- and I mean everyone !!

I finished everything up and am ready to head home.

Lillypadders, pansies, and sissies .... please know that I'm not calling you names and hopefully .... all of us are above that shallow and babyish behavior...

but I'm simply reflecting your inability to stand up to the pressures of the Markets .... your caving in to the hint of doom and gloom.... and your inability to escape the G/F Fund....

So if you have to do situps to get a stronger stomach then by all means do what you have to do......

....the MARKETS are GOING TO FLY.... despite whatever you may hear...

....and I and all the others fully IN -- are going to WIN.....

OK -- that's my bedtime story

Good Night everyone --- everyone -- everywhere -- be cool and say hi to Frixxxx, Birch, Buster, Lobo, CB, Alevie, Grandma and the others that are part of our family ..
You forgot to mention yourself during that last part;)

Thanks for all the mood lifters you post! Always look on the brith side of life! (followed by that little tune that will probably be your head for the rest of the day!)
Thanks for all the mood lifters you post!

It's my sincerest honor and pleasure.

Without you (and the others) it wouldn't happen..... it basically comes down to:

I am you

...and you are me

.....and we are all together

.......Living is easy with eyes closed

..........misunderstanding all you see

...............I'd like to tell you -- oh yeah -- that it all works out

.......................That is I think I disagree

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes....

PEN ----NY --- LANE bom bom bom bom bom bom
OK --- Time to do a Birchtree....

I made $108.27 today :);)

Now if I'd get home and tell my wife I openly told everyone that..

....she would say I was lying :embarrest:. Yes she would use a strong word like lie.

And I would proudly say ..... well I didn't give a time frame ...

...and therefore I didn't lie.

She would say .... that's the same thing as 'a lie'.....

So at some period during the day....whether is was a second... or a minute.... or most of the entire day .... I made $108.27

Good night all --- and don't forget to brush your teeth and say your prayers.
It's my sincerest honor and pleasure.

Without you (and the others) it wouldn't happen..... it basically comes down to:

I am you

...and you are me

.....and we are all together

.......Living is easy with eyes closed

..........misunderstanding all you see

...............I'd like to tell you -- oh yeah -- that it all works out

.......................That is I think I disagree

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes....

PEN ----NY --- LANE bom bom bom bom bom bom

Should I call you the Walrus, or a Beatlemaniac. :D I'm glad you made your stash today.:)
Should I call you the Walrus, or a Beatlemaniac. :D I'm glad you made your stash today.:)

Nah, just call me a 'free floater' cause ya never know where my mind will drift from one moment to the next...

....had to go back to his post to see what triggered that....

...........(followed by that little tune that will probably be your head for the rest of the day!) ....and thus the tunes began to pour

Thank You !! and that's Much Appreciated....

if the pattern of the months continues then tomorrow will be a mild to moderate down day ... and hopefully we'll keep moving forward...

... anyway --- hope you're doing good as well

Well Good Night all -- I'm getting out at a good time.
if the pattern of the months continues then tomorrow will be a mild to moderate down day ... and hopefully we'll keep moving forward...

Considering the huge Gain displayed throughout most of yesterday what we're seeing today is anything but 'a correction' and all the more what would be considered a 'downward trend'.

Yes I was off by a week and in hindsight would not have to make the 8% I lost to break even. That makes no difference to me (other than my position on the AT). The thing that really matters to me is being fully invested when the Markets appear to be setting the stage for one of their most significant soaring gains.

So -- I have no regrets as of yet -- sometimes you simply have to take your chances despite the predominating negative sentiments.

Birch, do you smell rocket fuel ??
I detect the smell of sweet superlative bull manure and many money managers need to buy this market for the rest of the year. If they don'y buy they will miss a great opportunity and that creates terrible anxiety. I'm glad I'm deep in the manure pile where I'll remain warm and toasty all winter.
Considering the huge Gain displayed throughout most of yesterday what we're seeing today is anything but 'a correction' and all the more what would be considered a 'downward trend'.

Yes I was off by a week and in hindsight would not have to make the 8% I lost to break even. That makes no difference to me (other than my position on the AT). The thing that really matters to me is being fully invested when the Markets appear to be setting the stage for one of their most significant soaring gains.

So -- I have no regrets as of yet -- sometimes you simply have to take your chances despite the predominating negative sentiments.

Birch, do you smell rocket fuel ??

That's also my mindset buying into today's sideways action, Steady. My timing was a bit off by laying on the lily the past two weeks, but I guess I'd rather be late than miss this Pamplona ride entirely.
I detect the smell of sweet superlative bull manure and many money managers need to buy this market for the rest of the year. If they don'y buy they will miss a great opportunity and that creates terrible anxiety. I'm glad I'm deep in the manure pile where I'll remain warm and toasty all winter.

POST of the WEEK
No matter what happens .... there's no way anyone could put it better than that. :D:D:cool:

Congratulations Birch !!

That gives you 1 full month of (band) immunity
That's also my mindset buying into today's sideways action, Steady. My timing was a bit off by laying on the lily the past two weeks, but I guess I'd rather be late than miss this Pamplona ride entirely.

Well nothing's in concrete and when Uptrend and others of fairly decent significance are telling everyone 'the Sky is falling' you just never know.

From my perspective the Markets are way more 'Politically' driven than anything else. At least since 10/07 that is unmistakable. So I would expect the Markets to SOAR from now through 12/09 to all the more spur Consumerism -- get people upbeat about investing - INCREASE Optimsim

So I honestly think waiting for now --- or going in a few days prior is the best possible move. :)

Lady says 'Life is Good' and Birch is talking about 'Faith'

The most important time of the year for all businesses and for the Markets in general and The Economy is immediately upon us.

Even if ~~ as bizarre as this may sound ~~ but even if it is total 'manipulation' -- if there was any single moment in time where pushing the Markets high would be crucial it is now and through the Christmas Season.

Would also give 'Politics' a shot in the arm

Would ultimately spur the 'Feeling' a recovery is underway

Life is GOOD -- it's very good (thank you Lady)

Faith is everything -- even the smallest amount (thank you Birch)

OK -- lots to catch up on -- so I say Good Night to all !!
MB Update

My warmest greetings to all visitors and guests :);)

You may be wondering what's going on here and so I'll explain.

For those who have been in 'high risk' --S/I/C (in that order) there is the constant thought of:

This can only last so long --- and therefore 'save your gains'
Any substantial GAIN -- our latest about 7% -- will drop a bit
When Markets are hitting 'Yearly and New Highs' it's probably reaching the ceiling... and therefore will fall quite a bit.

So my friends it is with these things in mind you will see many shifting out of high risk and into safety.

Now for the Bold and Brave -- the Ultra Daring :D:D

They see evidence of Manipulation that will:
Increase spending in the U.S.A. by foreign investors
Get Stocks SOARING
Promote the brewing and spreading Optimism -- with spending going up

For them the prospects of losing the biggest and fastest gains keep them fully invested.

So to all of you -- I encourage you to watch over the next few weeks and see for yourself what happens.

I'm somewhere near 14% on the AT now

That concludes the MB Update ... now back to 'The Guiding Light'
My warmest greetings to all visitors and guests :);)
Now for the Bold and Brave -- the Ultra Daring :D:D

They see evidence of Manipulation that will:
Increase spending in the U.S.A. by foreign investors
and side lined investors......still a ton of $ slowly trickling in​

Get Stocks SOARING
Promote the brewing and spreading Optimism -- with spending going up
That's it BREW MORE BEER!!!!​

I'm somewhere near 14% on the AT now
That concludes the MB Update ... now back to 'The Guiding Light'
Congrats on the AT!
Congrats on the AT!

Thanks Frixxxx :)

You should get some kind of reward for your new Motto :laugh::laugh:

That honestly deserves a T Shirt or something :toung:

Anyway the only reason I even mentioned the AT was so everyone could see where it would be in the next few weeks.

I'm still Bullish as can be... despite everything.

The Negative sentiment I understand ... and Capital Preservation

but I can't understanding why Birch's knees are weak and why his legs are trembling --- that concerns me just a tag.
Well at this 'moment' I would say Coolhand and the overwhelming majority made the right move yesterday.

Had I gone to 'G' -- this would look beautiful ;)

Would still have another IFT to get back in -- had I done that.

Well for some reason I'm on top of the world today and nothing is going to change that. So if we are to have a 'bad day' then let it happen at a time when I'm unshakeable.

Congrats -- to those who timed it well !!
Well Steady how do you feel today?

we are down around %2 in our funds.

but looks like it will level off, and I predict close
at levels close to the opening bell. Tomorrow we'll
make money. :cool: