TSP Elite
C'mon guys - if interest rates are remaining low for the next two years there is only one game in town and it's equities. Where else can you get income increases over time - dividends are getting toasty and word will get around. Money will soon begin to move out of bonds - remember the bond market is ten times larger than the NYSE. Now if Congress were to make dividends tax free - this economy will roll.
Birch, to the largest degree I believe your assessment is incredibly accurate. I am in 100% - and have been 100% for quite awhile mainly based on the huge lack of returns from any other investment option. My history on this Site has largely shown that those who put everything in G Fund - are the very ones who miss the Huge Returns. So I'm buying more shares at a cheaper price but when everyone else is tip toeing back in the Markets - I'll more than have my reward by staying in.
In times like these however - I do have to consider the advantages of a Timing System that lets you reap in the Gains and spare the losses. Such a System that has proven itself over many years will get my attention and this one has preserved the gains of the past. Ideally it would be better to laugh at these corrections -- showing everyone your in F Fund when needed. So down the line I may consider something like this after I retire -- but I'm good for the next 7 years and on the whole the Markets are bound to go UP - and do well in the long run.
I think Congress gets way too much attention - especially in the sense of thinking they honestly have the capacity to seriously turn things around; or even make a dent in the wide spread and deepening problems that have grown over the past 30+ years. The economy would roll a lot further if they made the Corporations and Industries stronger by increasing the American workforce. At this point the Corporations and Industries have not only found that Foreign Soil offers a far greater incentive - but all the more their greatest strength today is found in Foreign Workers booming their business. That is perhaps the greatest shift underway today. The last thing we need is some quick fix - for guys like me and you that are already set for life. What we need is to stop the waste; give the Corporations and Industries way more incentive to be more exclusively USA and drive the popluation to earn a living.