Steadygain's Account Talk

I admire and applaud your grace and dignity in the face of adversity. You can say there is a lesson to be learned by all. ;)
I've made a lot of huge mistakes by trying to force the MB at large to share in and accept something that is far too 'personal' - was far too blown away with my Subjective Experience to realize how bizarre it would make the Objective Experiences of others.

Unfortunately I've been stretching my transition - on others and only NOW realize that no one else can be 'attached' - so everyone was LOST.

It's all a huge transition YET I'm very grateful for how everything is happening. I promise I really am.

I didn't know what I needed until it happened, which was this morning.

It's all a learning process and moving with the flow and finding what needs to be. Sometimes it takes awhile to honestly understand when you're so caught up in your own perspective.

So everything is working out Great and it just took me awhile to recognize some of the most essential truths:

1. Misunderstandings are unavoidable and in many situations it's better to let them die than try to make them right. That's probably been my biggest problem.

2. The inward rewards and the most marvelous life changing experiences -- no matter how Promising and full of HOPE -- may be totally rejected by others. From a subjective point of view you can't help but feel the more you make it known is all the more others will share in the beauty. From an objective point of view -- if it's viewed in a negative manner the sharing only makes it worse.

3. The Greatest and most far reaching TRANSITIONS are never easy. In many ways this has been very difficult. You don't know how to behave and what to express because the changes are so huge. To a large degree you're hoping for 'confirmation' but in the end you find that can never be found anywhere but deep within. In this situation no one could possibly give that confirmation beyond the ONE who has brought it all into being.

We can only TRUST that GOD has moved in the ways that GOD alone can do. If we are filled with HIS Peace then what more do we need? If in fact HIS Love has brought us Fulfillment and filled us with Hope and the Promise of greater things to come then there is nothing to compare to that.

Somehow because it happens here (on this Site) I felt obligated to shout it from the rooftops and in my excitement I somehow thought whatever I was feeling would be felt by others. This 'Mindset' is hard to avoid when it's all you know -- and the greater bulk of what you're living and experiencing is directly related to this Site.

I do appologize to every Member or visitor and in retrospect I do understand how 'wrong' it was to push my life on you.

That perhaps would be the greatest lesson I came to find in how a Social Network like this should be. It works BEST with an element of 'sharing' but sharing too much is counterproductive.

Very well thought out...and very well said, Steady. I think you are absolutely correct is this thinking. Good luck to you!

Lobo :)
I admire and applaud your grace and dignity in the face of adversity. You can say there is a lesson to be learned by all. ;)

Ahhh... finally some genuine empathy. I was begining to wonder if in fact any could be found here. JP's not to only one to offer any, but this appears to be the exception rather than the rule.

Keep the faith Steady, and you will get beyond of all of what has happened eventually.
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Steady you amaze me, I have followed your posts for quite some time. Never have quite figured you out, first I thought you were Richard Marcinko, then Jimi Hendrix, then Gandhi. It must be something to do with the Verdana 10pt black font, but it makes you easy to understand today..
Best wishes and good luck in the future.
Gosh, I wasn't going to come back -- honestly -- then Blue started going on and on.

I felt that everything holding me back was taken this morning ;) and I'd never felt more at peace with saying goodbye.

It's all of you (all of you) and it's everything - in one way or another the whole Site has been incredibly wonderful in sooooo many ways.

My life is so much better too -- and I love and admire you way more than you probably even know.

Today 2 receptionists and a psychologist are ranting about my popularity (at Work) getting higher and higher and that many of the people showing up are stressing they want 'ME'. ~:):p~ That's because of YOU and the way all of you have made me better -- more complete.

I do 'need' to say goodbye and NOTHING could have possibly made that easier than your responses here.

My deepest Love and Gratitude to all

Gosh, I wasn't going to come back -- honestly -- then Blue started going on and on.

I felt that everything holding me back was taken this morning ;) and I'd never felt more at peace with saying goodbye.

It's all of you (all of you) and it's everything - in one way or another the whole Site has been incredibly wonderful in sooooo many ways.

My life is so much better too -- and I love and admire you way more than you probably even know.

Today 2 receptionists and a psychologist are ranting about my popularity (at Work) getting higher and higher and that many of the people showing up are stressing they want 'ME'. ~:):p~ That's because of YOU and the way all of you have made me better -- more complete.

I do 'need' to say goodbye and NOTHING could have possibly made that easier than your responses here.

My deepest Love and Gratitude to all


Until we meet again. ;) May God keep you and bless you.
Gosh, it honestly feels like I've come home and it's my first time back in quite awhile so all the more it's nothing but wonderful - and I'd have to say it's never felt better being here before.

So - - I want to keep it that way and make sure that every time I come here I can have the same feelings I do right now.

I'm wearing a new watch - which I call my 'Freedom Watch' that is absolutely beautiful. My Baby loves it too and so it's like the ultimate completion because I'm so totally satisified with all I have.

Others have been saying that 'I'm beaming with LIFE' - that 'I'm glowing in Happiness' and it's obvious something incredibly beautiful and deeply satisfying is fully a part of my existence. To that I will always be immensely grateful for this Site and how wonderful GOD has used it in the most perfect way I could ever dream or hope for.

To say we are doing well - would miss everything. We are so full of Life and Happiness and there are so many aspects of our existence awakening and beaming that every day has that much more to offer. It's just amazing how deeply compatible we are in everything and our views on so many aspects that are fundamentally important to us 'individually' are so deeply shared as ONE. We have decorated our home with aspects that pay a very high honor to the Native Americans (for instance).

My mother passed away - to God's Honor and Glory - and I say this because I don't want anyone thinking it's a difficult thing. She had a major stroke and was like a vegetable for only a few days before she moved on to something far better -- so I'm thrilled to pieces she was only in that condition a brief time. I'll go to the church I grew up in this weekend for her service.

TSP has been very wonderful as well. I now look at it as Starting with my new beginning - as everything as of that day remains wholly mine. I've left the Funds fully invested - with 30/30/40 - CSI and the contributions I think are 70/30 - SC.

Well we love our home theater - and it really does feel like a movie theater. I've got dark blue curtains draped down from the ceiling and we got the home theater chairs that all the more enhance it. I had to take out the front seat and we put part in the back and the bigger part up front and left the big boxes at the store.

Well I hope everyone here is doing well - and please forgive me if it sounds too selfish just coming on once in awhile to fill everyone in and disappear - but it feels a lot more like home this way and we've been busy with all that's evolved.

Our deepest love and gratitude for everything and how deep down we know that everyone here has in some manner worked for 'the Good' and we are truly blessed and life is wonderful.


Sorry to hear about your mom Rick. But she is in a better place now.
Glad to hear everything else is as wonderful if not more than you hoped for.

Stay true, my friend.:)
As our new account could not have been established without you - figured I'd keep you up to date as I got updates.

8 days - $5.62 Interest
Optimism and positive thinking is the key to a happy and healthy life. Learned that from my dad. My thoughts are with you today.
Steady, I, too, am sorry to hear about your mom. I am glad to know she did not suffer the last days of her life.
Steady, I, too, am sorry to hear about your mom. I am glad to know she did not suffer the last days of her life.

You have no idea how much that means to me.

I hope you and your 3 wonderful daughters are having the highest quality time and finding the weather and sights and experiences deeply fulfilling.

My 3 wonderful girls are all in Korea - where my oldest daughter has been living and working for the past few years. She believes it was God's Decision and she is there under His Direction. It has been an amazing experience for her and she is even less 'American' in the sense of extratravagance and possessions. She has such an amazing walk in His Grace. My second daughter just finished college and has a job lined up in Harlan, KY. She has been working there every summer with S.W.A.P (Serving With Appalachin People). Thiis is a Church organization that brings in large groups on a weekly basis that come to repair the damaged homes the poor can't afford to fix. The needs in that area are huge (The Harvest is plentiful - but the Workers are few). After serving in that area every summer since she started college - her heart and life belong to that area and the needs of that population. My youngest just finished high school and is going into Recreational Therapy.

My ex is with them. I am making arrangements to give her about 75% of my TSP Account, and in turn I can leave 3 other Retirement Accounts untouched. I'm also giving her a generous amount of my pay and am very grateful I've been able to provide as I have.

I haven't been back since I left - and everytime I think about it I tear up because of Ella - my dog. I miss her so much - but she is better off with all the acres she's always known and they love her too.

Anyway - Thank You for this. I feel largely 'restored'.

For the sentiments regarding my mother - from everyone - THANK YOU!!!!!

Today is her birthday - and my dad is doing great. My mom lived a beautiful life - her sweetness and humility were the most dominate aspects that eveyone knew. She had the most amazing love and was very devoted and generous with all she could give. She was ready to go in the end and her service was the best ever.

Well - I need to run - take care all
Optimism and positive thinking is the key to a happy and healthy life. Learned that from my dad. My thoughts are with you today.

I have found there are 4 areas to our Existence by which 'Optimism and Positive Thinking' can be increasingly known in the highest and most wonderful levels ~ as they are brought to life.

The BOY/GIRL largely seem central to everything we are - and the more this part of our existence dominates everything the more we find the greatest freedom to let endless aspects that have been dead or hidden come to life. Here we find the Faith and Trust that moves mountains and leads us to increasing wonders.

The BABY - is that deeply pure and innocent aspect that is like a filliment in a light bulb - and when that is brought to life then every other part lights up in the most awesome ways.

The CORE - beyond everything else is that aspect that links us directly to GOD - and as this is brought to life then we come to know ourselves and others more completely. When this is brought to life we are filled with an inexpressable joy and a contentment that is so deep - a life so rich and full - that we are truly in awe.

The MAN/WOMAN - are brought to Life through the other aspects.

We have found the greatest happiness possible does not result from what we do for 'ourselves' but is totally found by bringing the deepest and most far reaching happiness to another. The more we totally live in the greatest devotion and committment to the other's happiness is all the more we are brought to life. My happiness is entirely derived through her - and the more I see it glow and the more she is filled with the deepest peace and contentment - the happier I am.

This is true for her too. She immediately changed my years and years of loud and heavy snoring to the most peaceful and quiet - deeply sound sleep. She discovered by simply touching me that she can change my breathing into a gentle quiet rhythm. She brings the BOY and BABY to life and hears them express the most amazing happiness when I am sleeping and nothing seems to excite her more. To see her expression and hear her - as she knows it's all because of her. Nothing has ever made me feel more connected with GOD and LIFE and our home is filled with the most wonderful energy.

A Happy and Healthy Life - are most fully realized when the deepest and most far reaching dreams and desires are totally brought to life - and you discover that ALL of That is just the beginning. The greatest - and most far reaching dreams and aspirations are discovered later on - and it's so amazing that we are 'overwhelmed' - in the deepest awe.

Optimism and Positive Thinking are brought to the highest possible levels when you find the most perfect 'completeness' by which we were deeply meant to know and enjoy. With that our lives are 'Changed' and the HOPE and PROMISE of better things to come - over the weeks and months and years is all you can see. It just keeps getting better.

I hope you find this - and that it totally defines your life and all you know.

Thank you so much for your excellent message.


Have a great weekend everyone!!
Our home is largely based on Feng Shui and the insights they’ve discovered over thousands of years on how to live in Harmony with Nature and bring your environment to the higher aspects of all things Healthy and Positive. As a result we now have a place that’s absolutely amazing.

We have 2 identical water fountains – 1 in the living room and 1 in the bedroom. I bought a large bag of stones and filled the 4 layers of the fountains with the largest and most colorful stones I could find. The one in the living room is surrounded with things attached to her – a shrine to her.

The one in the bedroom is made the same way but her for me. I’ve also placed stones in a variety of places throughout our home and we keep the fountains running 24/7. Feng Shui all the more places a huge emphasis on having the rooms open, clean, neat, and without clutter.

We know who brought all things into being and what I’m sharing is simply another means by which we can acknowledge HIM even better. Somehow it’s helped us to feel even more in touch with all things deeply sacred. The water fountains are a constant source of Cleansing and Renewal. I’m sharing this because I now know from experience it’s worth passing on. You can seriously feel the Healthy and Energizing aspects of nature flowing everywhere – it moves through you and touches you in wonderful ways. It’s very Peaceful and Soothing and is perhaps most appreciated as you’re about to go to sleep.

We’re trying to maintain on 25% of our income and have found things are so much easier in your mid 50s compared to starting off as a young adult. Having each other means we lack for nothing and our lives are full and overflowing. Now we’re thinking of going places with England and New Zealand taking the lead.

Hope all is well – take care.

Id like to get a cool water fountain to put on our deck. Menards has a lot of nice ones. I dont know about stickin one inside though.
Id like to get a cool water fountain to put on our deck. Menards has a lot of nice ones. I dont know about stickin one inside though.

Outside is good too - and here it's like a gentle breeze flowing with beauty. You could enhance that all the more with certain plants to blend with it.

I studied up on Feng Shui quite a bit before I got the fountains and without that - and understanding the design and the placement of things I doubt you'd experience the same benefits. I may get a few more - as we are keeping the spaces very open and the fountains are only 1' x 1'.

MARKETS WISE: I believe 1 of 2 things have to be most centrally at play. The FIRST and most likely situation is that the increasing Debt and the fragile economic relations both internally and globally are largely unavoidable and the MARKETS will by their nature 'Adjust and Grow'. So I remain fully invested and see the patten as of late as uneventful sideways stuff.

The SECOND and more distant likelihood is that the increasing Debt - and all aspects secondary to that Debt are part of much bigger Shifts and Transitions happening on a Global level. The USA will likely slip down a notch or two and the value of the dollar may fall substantially - but this would be way down the line compared to The FIRST.

So to me - it's better to ignore the day to day - because the headlines are always changing and are always geared to exaggerate some finding.

I think we've been through the worst - and getting back to the top is going to be a long and slow process. This is the time to simply DCA and forget it. Move on and check in once in awhile. So I'm 100% in and will stay that way for years to come.

Take care all -- hope everyone is doing well

All seems good. And, you are right regarding the mid-50's. I'm not there yet, but the mid-40's are becoming a blessing now that I can see the light on the far end of the personal debt tunnel. I am looking at making what I live in a more inviting and pleasant place. I find myself in your thread as I become more calm and less stressed. Things are good and getting better.

I found myself seeking life yesterday. Plants, roses, and presentations of life. I think I am going to enjoy my mid-40s.

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