Steadygain's Account Talk

However, very perceptive folks are noting the rotting scent of depression. Peggy Noonan is not the only one noting it. Other commentators and financial talking heads are mumbling. Some of the folks on this site have caught the whif...

My friend -- my deepest and most genuine concerns for both our country and the economy in general are not things I really want to disclose and elaborate on.

For now would rather live 'in the moment' and hope the inevitable does not happen now.

The very Hardest of Times are yet to come... they are at this point totally unavoidable from my perspective ... and have been going from bad to worse for years and years....

My Hope and Prayes are not for me -- but for everyone else

The more bears the better.

I'm bullish and staying that way.

Me too Birch -- but I try my hardest to live for the day ...

and not allow everything else to boggle me down ...

later man -- have a good one.

Oh and tell Gretchen and Heidi -- I think they're wonderful ;)
Understanding the Markets

Over the weekend I was able to reflect on Market Activity and its relation to Politics... especially as noted since the Summer of 2007

There is nothing that comes close to accounting for Market Behavior more than Politics since the Summer of 2007 and all the more as noted since the 'Collapse' could no longer be hidden beginning about 10/07.

I tell you this because most of you -- if not all of you -- are still grounded in the 'ole ways' of Market Analysis and the Fundamental Factors which have largely determined the state of our economy.

We are now in a New Era -- where Politics and Manipulation will likely take total control of Market Direction -- and if I'm right then that can only be UP. Overall the Governments of the World have no choice but to 'do all things' to spring the Markets forward. There is nothing else that can help to eventually plant 'optimism' and the hope that the worst is over and 'we are now on the way to a full recovery'.

This can not be obtained if the Markets Tank -- if they really TANK and therefore I don't believe that will happen.

After the 'shorts' took their money in conjunction with the long overdue correction we just went through -- I expect the Markets to sour the next few months; even if it is wholly Political Manipulation.

So I am IN to WIN --- and nothing else really matters to me because I don't believe we can use the VIX and all the other things that use to mean something.
well put... i'm of the belief the world economy is nothing more than a G7 poker game, but the object is to not let any country completely F-up the whole game. So, each country will take its turn and duty on dumping its currency for the the benefit of the entire game. the chip stacks will move around and the game will keep going.
So --- what's happening today ???

Today is simply getting things set up for the Party, but the real Celebration is yet to come.

At the moment it is not the Markets Soaring !! that gives us any sense of Upbeat Sentiment but rather the Stability and the groundwork that is being laid.

Expect the 'rabbit' to be pulled from the hat. It may be a short lived trick -- but I expect at least an 8 to 10% increase by year's end.

I say these things because of the fall leaves - the pleasant warm sunny conditions - the way reflections appear on the Lake and the graceful movements of the butterflies. It is the gentle breeze that guides my thinking and not the complexities of trying to understand the dynamics by which the Economy and Markets Function.

So if you are to go with me -- then forget about Money altogether and simply believe.

Enjoy the moment and a wonderful day to all.
Well now that Sugar came back....

........the chains have been broken and I'm a free man I may Bail and if I do it's no big deal cause I'll go back in

..............what I do from one day to the next -- no one knows

.........................not even me :confused:
Well - if my general gut feeling was right ....

.... we have gone through the Consolidation

.......... and hopefully things will go very well for the time being

I have tons of stuff to catch up on and will take a break from here while everything looks great and feels wonderful.

Later all ..:cool::cool:
gut feeling was right ..../QUOTE]

Feelings meter ...interesting....

Uptrend it's like one of the coolest things ever :cool::cool:

You start out with this amazing deep seated feeling of really wonderful 'Positive Energy' --- secure, peaceful, uplifting and all....

then when the Markets soar way up -- it just makes it a thousand times better --- cause you're totally reassured that you're in tune...

and you're just sitting back watching the Pot Grow Bigger and Bigger

First you have to master everything else .... and once you reach the top .... you trade everything in for the 'feelings meter'...

I'll be waiting :rolleyes::D
Well folks I would defer you to Birch's Thread for the details of comparative data .... showing how the Markets have behaved historically throughout.

To me that doesn't make much difference other than the fact that Markets are by far your best option for investments.

As the other investments dwindle down to nothing - or the barest of returns - the drive towards stocks will continue.

Yesterday's gains were BIG - so many would expect a 'settling' - but we are already at 'Record Gains' and there is no 'hocus pocus' scarey event associated with that. The TREND is up and we are long overdue for a big push forward.

When Markets rise -- they go through spurts -- and that is the KEY to making huge gains.

No idea where I am on the AT --- But anyone above me PLEASE go immediately to G FUND (or F FUND) and stay there. You've made enough ... now it's my turn.
I anticipate the next 3 months will be exceptionally good for S and I.

Will move from 50/50 C/S to 60/40 S/I by COB

IFTs gone, Obamas plans uncertain, markets crazy?
When in doubt, Do not act hasty, I'm sticking it out.
Don't give up, the moment before the miracle? (or the biggest bust in history?)
Participants can still nail down a solid 0.04% on a money market fund - how great is that?

The banks are raking in huge gains -- and as usual we are all simply for the taking (as with the Politicians). It's crazy Birch -- you'd think they would increase their rates to spur more business and reflect some appreciation.

IFTs gone,
You can always go to G - if you feel the need.

Obamas plans uncertain,
Stimulus Package is already underway --- and the Health Care is essentially meaningless as far as the Markets go.

markets crazy?
Not at all -- was a very Major Recession - way beyond what the general population realizes.

When in doubt, Do not act hasty, I'm sticking it out.
Good advice -- goes with 'when in doubt - move to Check'

Don't give up, the moment before the miracle?
Miracle happened in 3/09 and the Markets rose at the worst of times. Nothing could stop it -- not even Birch.

(or the biggest bust in history?)

Thanks for the visit -- may you rake in the GAINS.
Hmmm, haven't heard you use that term before, Steady, are you a chessplayer?

Oh Alevie,
It's been a 'strange day' -- very weird. I think part of it is because Phil kind of helped me to bury a lot of things and somehow totally forget the 'soldier' altogether so I wouldn't let it interfere with relationships. And I was honestly glad for that - as it brought a kind of freedom - and I thought God had removed it; but with tomorrow it's different.

Anyway -- I'm fairly 'highly viewed' as a chess player. Most of the relatives on either side think of me as the grand master. So if a nephew would ever beat me they really go crazy ;) because they would have lost many games before that happened. The last time I lost was because I said 'Check' when in fact it was 'Check Mate'. So I tell them all ahead of time that if I ever say Check (or Checkmate) and it's not -- they WIN the game.

This Chess mentality is so ingrained that it's 'somewhat dysfunctional' -- like with Sugar and Spice -- I instantly look for all possibilities and probable intentions before responding. But I do this with basically everything and that's why I function so well and get so much accomplished. Last week a person of equivalent position had to do all the work I typically do for 2 days in a row. He 'lost it' and the Chief had to confront him and he did a lot of venting --- only to be told I do it daily and somehow it flows fairly well. He told the Chief I must be a genius :rolleyes: because only a genius would be able to meet those expectations.

I know this is a very long answer but it's good for me and so I appreciate it. Alevie, I'm largely a chess player in almost everything I do -- and that's why I'm fairly good at the game itself.

Is rare I play -- rare I have the opportunity.

Thank you for the break !! :) I feel a lot better.
Was hoping to end the week on a 'good note'

Sometimes I wonder if watching too closely is worth it..:confused:

Well to all who are IN -- we'll hope for the best...;)
Cash is finally starting to move off the sidelines and into equities rather than bond funds - when the cash comes out of the bonds that will create another very positive bull leg.
Cash is finally starting to move off the sidelines and into equities rather than bond funds - when the cash comes out of the bonds that will create another very positive bull leg.
Let the spicket/spigot open, I want a ragin bull....not this .3 pullback, .32 growth crap.
Cash is finally starting to move off the sidelines and into equities rather than bond funds - when the cash comes out of the bonds that will create another very positive bull leg.

Thanks for the visit Birch.

Regardless of any Wave or Theory....

Regardless of any kind of Financial Indicator...

Regardless of what any person or group of people think....

The Cash moving IN -- is the 'bottomline'

So I might not be able to do advanced Trigonomic Callucations while flying down the shaft of a coal mine (like everyone else on the MB);

and I may not be able to determine the exact time an object will land when dropped from 3 miles, 257 feet, 1 1/4 inches with a barometic pressure of 5.2 - nor know by what force it will have impact if it lands on rippled sponge 13 feet in diameter with a depth of 15 feet....

but I do know that as Money goes to BUY -- the stocks will go up.

Have a great weekend everyone.... and forget 'the sky is falling' stuff until you get here next week.

Whoa -- hey Frixxxx --- good to see ya

Be sure not to miss the golden cross thread - I suspect 1995 is just around the bend. Like your new motto, too.