Steadygain's Account Talk

But did you watch the Michael Moore interview on MSNBC? You are so RISKY~~~ :laugh: J/K

No -- but I like the dude

He's like a CB in real life -- I mean he has the means and the ability to actually confront the System and openly challenge them.

Thanks Birchmister -- Very intreging -- I really like that kind of stuff

Malyala's connection to Armstrong was huge ....

I wholly believe that Cycles and Trends are way more based on the 'Unknown' aspects these 'guys' know -- than the traditional economic stuff everyone else is focused on
Well over the weekend I thought of Birch quite a bit and his future home in the Blue Ridge Mountains -- Lakeside Property.

Once a year I have a group come over for an outdoor fireside cookout. I build 4 large fires in my burning circle and everyone pretty much has their lawn chairs around the circle. We had roughly 40 this year.

It's absolutely amazing how everyone responds... and honestly I can take only the slightest degree of credit. It is not my Earth and the soil and shape of the property were that way years before I was born and will remain throughout the years after I'm gone.

I did put all the grass in, put all the trees where they stand, and built the playhouse in that little corner of the backyard where we had the cookout. Also it's wholly our garden near there - but what really gets people gasping in 'awe' is the landscape itself, the acres of corn I have with my yard (which in itself is amazing) - the outward appearance of my home --- but mostly the feel of being outdoors in the cool yet comfortable temperature. Watching the sunset and the way the colors fill the clouds. Watching how the firelight makes us look and feel so much more appreciative of all the Beauty Life beholds -- and the ease and joy of fellowshipping in that environment. So it was wonderful -- and I'm just amazed at how much people of all ages enjoy that kind of event.

When it was all over -- you'd never know anyone was there. No litter and no worn out places ... everything was like no one had even been there but the memories will always linger.

That's how it has to be with the TSP Celebration at Birch's. It makes no difference that 128 of us will be attending... :D:D. We'll all bring our own chairs.... bring some hotdogs and another dish ... and when it's all over Birch will never be able to tell any of us were there.

So my day started beautifully -- the lingering effects of the very cool get together -- and the total reminder that the greatest blessings we have are way over money -- they are the things that are lasting and priceless.
Well -- better late than never !!!

If the Ongoing and Undeniable Trend continues it's Cycle

-- and hopefully the 'New and Upcomming LOWS' predicted and solidly held in 3/09 are vanishing by this time.

And if History itself has anything to do with being able to guage Market Predictability

The Next few months should SOAR !!!

Good night all --
Another Adam Hamilton article to help maintain perspective on these sell off days. Check out the graph.

Thanks Birch !!

You know this guy lives it and breaths it more than you and me put together.

He KNEW -- 3/09 was not only the Bottom -- but much more importantly the LONG and SUSTAINED TREND UP !!

His ideas about 'Pull backs' are the same thing you (and I ) are saying in the Consolidation Aspect. Volitility can not be removed from the General Markets and some 'settling' has to occur along the way up.

My personal problem with the bulk of Bear Crap -- is simply that we have heard the exact same story over and over all the way up. Now I have to admit that initially I was fully expecting a 'Double Dip'

But those who have remained in the Bunkers of G Fund -- have missed out altogether.

It's not so much I'm joining ranks with you (and here I mean strictly in the B&H indefinately) -- I simply at this point in time believe it is way more to our advantage to stay put until a Downward Trend has been Proven and Sustained -- AND until that time the Upward Trend is far more likely to continue.
It's not so much I'm joining ranks with you (and here I mean strictly in the B&H indefinately) -- I simply at this point in time believe it is way more to our advantage to stay put until a Downward Trend has been Proven and Sustained -- AND until that time the Upward Trend is far more likely to continue.


I feel that the B&H ers have had a good ride thus far and a 10% pullback is just part of the equation. you have to take the good with the bad as long as the good outweighs the bad i'm staying put.:)

I feel that the B&H ers have had a good ride thus far and a 10% pullback is just part of the equation. you have to take the good with the bad as long as the good outweighs the bad i'm staying put.:)

THANKS for the visit my friend ;)

You and I are both saying the same exact thing -- I just don't want Birch to think I'm giving him too much credit :rolleyes: ... it's kind of a long ongoing battle of sorts.... but I totally agree with ya.

good read, but I'm stickin with my position and taking the possible whuppin if and when it comes !!!

Birch -- he's telling ya if you bail to G Fund that not only will he personlly be 'whuppin' you from head to toe.... but many others are choopn' at the bit to join him. :worried:
CONSOLIDATION -- is ongoing !!!

Staying put ...

I could say the same thing over and over like a broken record...

For now will just keep posting this...:rolleyes:

There is still NO EVIDENCE of any 'Substantial FALL'

Nothing to validate the TOP has been reached and we can't get higher

Consolidation leads to GROWTH --- and things look Better not Worse
Alas me friends - it dis yer ole buckeroo Steadygain

The moment to moment, and the day to day are meaningless and trivial

Tis only the overall that bears its weight on our fortunes and gains

Alas - thar be none of us that could know how the Markets would do from one week to the next -- or one month to the next.....

and if there would have been anyone who 'really knew' what was going to happen then he'd have said....

Buy them up me hardees and hold on and keep holding....

and thar be no better advise than that since 3/09 ... and that alone would have seized up all the Markets have offered....

so yer in to win -- or ye walk the plank
you must be dressing up as a Pirate for Halloween and just practicing on us ?? Hee Hee !!!!!

It's absolutely amazing that not only do we have a day called:

'Talk like a Pirate Day'

-- but according to my daughter it's internationally recognized.

So I use to come home once in awhile and say 'Arrrrr -- it's talk like a pirate day'.

When she told me she heard on the radio 'It's the International Talk like a Pirate Day' -- I decided to make it a Standard Holiday

Soooo as long as I'm a Fed. employee.... I've got 2 extra Holidays..

Ground Hog Day
Talk like a Pirate Day

names like that deserve to be Holidays in my book ;)
Well I can tell tensions are mounting ....

.....and fear is taking over :rolleyes:

Not to pick fights... but only to stess the splenid 'touch down'

Please note -- a dead cat bounce is just that :sick:

But today the football was caught at the 10 yard line ...

the receiver took off -- met little to no resistance... and kept running

But he is still on the field folks -- and the game is not over ---:D

I feel like I'm surfing on Lilly Pads... and it's kind of cool :nuts:


The market is shaking out folks. Big ups, big downs - what will the next move be.

My money is on a nice and steady upswing :)

The market is shaking out folks. Big ups, big downs - what will the next move be.

My money is on a nice and steady upswing :)

Well -- humm -- the week didn't end that great :sick:

But I think 'we' have a tendency to over interpret the Markets.

Big ups and downs --- are vital for the Markets to continue their 'Upward Trend' and considering the very substantial Gain 'we' have made in the past few months.... let alone since 3/09

I still feel 'Being fully invested' is the best option.

If we had 'unlimited IFTs' then I may have missed the last decline :rolleyes: but who knows

Since we are increasingly forced into 'long term' plays and in light of the huge -- and I mean incredibly huge gains -- all have missed by staying in safety ....

for now I'd rather take my chances and have the last laugh.

You've done GREAT this year -- good job !!
Cater Worth an Oppenheimer technical analyst thinks we are going to SPX 980 and then entering a 2004 sideways trading market off the run in 2003. Could be. I'm disposed to thinking we won't terminate our current bull run until March 2010 and then we may trade sideways. If the market does follow 2004 there will be plenty of opportunity to make serious money. I'm still of the impression that we will follow a symmetry principle right back to SPX 1500 without much of a pummeling. But hey, I'm just one voice in the wilderness but I do plan to keep the money working.
My Biggest Concern...


My biggest concern is that the economic polity is not moving from fear to hope...

But, instead from fear to depression....

If the economic polity can shrug off this week than things will be good, very good indeed. Maybe even so good that the bull will run for years :)

However, very perceptive folks are noting the rotting scent of depression. Peggy Noonan is not the only one noting it. Other commentators and financial talking heads are mumbling. Some of the folks on this site have caught the whif...

Pray for hope :)

Keep nimble:cheesy:
The more bears the better. According to March '09 we should already be in a depression rather than expressing a GDP of 3.5% and I think that number will be revised upward later and probably again on the final number. Q4 could be even better and then Q1 of 2010 even better than anyone suspects. A 62% run in the SPX in eight months is discounting a rather strong economic recovery. I'm bullish and staying that way. Next week should give me the opportunity to step into the path of the train and scoop up some golden prices.