TSP Elite
Steady: Don't worry about day to day. Look at the trend. The F fund is up about 2.63% since mid-August. IMO, there will be more upside. F is up today.
Hey man thanks for the visit.
Hope you saw you got The Post of the Week... apparently Tom and the Moderators got flooded with all kinds of PMs and messages stating your post deserved the recognition...
...82% of the entire MB felt that way... so I was pressured to make it known

Anyway - hopefully you can tell from my Post that I'm not worried in the least little bit. Seriously it's great 'feeling upbeat' in times like this.
The TREND has been largely 'Dumb Money' making itself known but no matter to me -- seriously all I care about are the Buy Signals and Hold Signals .... that's the best thing ever.
Uptrend - it really doesn't matter to me if F Fund is up or not. The most important thing from my perspective is Being IN when it's time to rake in the Money and Being OUT when everything is falling.