TSP Elite
Allright Steady- where you hidin' Birch. Nobody out there straight shootin' but Countryboy now...
Well E,
It's kind of strange because Birch keeps begging me to let him back on -- but I'm not budging and he knows there is no way he can get around me.

Let me explain something I'm afraid a lot of folks have been missing. When Birch told me he fought in Vietnam that was very huge to me; especially that he 'joined' and went USMC. So I knew it was largely 'integrity' that made him what he is... and that 'more than everything else put together' is why I love him so much and why he's my brother.

Now I may be a little too hardcore

That's the way it is here. Insert violins playing and picture hundreds of cartoon characters crying and blowing their noses. Tom had to get a loan on his house and sell one of his cars to get the money to build this site and keep it maintained. There is no way he could have known how hugely popular this place would be and how it would become the 'home' for many of us. OK - now insert images of bombs going off and picture buildings getting torn apart It became so popular Tom couldn't keep up with it - everyone posting every other second and many of these posts could 'get him in trouble' - and he desperately tried to 'edit' comments that were 'unsuitable'. OK - now insert images of the smoke clearing and the white flags going up. The Moderators came out of nowhere and offered their help and things got easier. But once in awhile some would join the site and they simply did not know how to behave. Nnutt and Show-me argued over and over how to deal with it and Lady got so tired of hearing them argue she screamed, 'Just kick his a$$ off'.

Anyway, Birch will be back in 2 days.
Listen folks I need to take a break for awhile. Got a lot of stuff going on.
Later everyone -- and have a Merry Christmas -- if I'm not back before then.
Love ya'll