Would you like my reading list? Or my list of publications? What exactly are you saying here?
F'Trader: Keep your publications and reading lists. I don't believe anything I read and only half of what I see
Actually, I did read, on the TSP web site:
"The F fund offers the opportunity to earn rates of return that exceed those of money market funds over the long term (particularly durings periods {TIMES, TIMING, my emphasis} of declining interest rates), with relatively low risk." Hmmmm...sounds like a timing strategy to me.
Let's see, something about timing the declining dollar in there too..ohhh here it is...the I fund: "Earnings consist of gains and losses in the prices of stocks, currency changes relative to the U.S. Dollar, and dividend income." Furthermore, "..There is risk of loss if the EAFE index declines in response to changes in overall economic conditions (market risk) or in response to increase in the value of the U.S. dollar (currency risk)." My cutting and pasting ain't so bad either
As for your buddy Warren Buffet, I believe he got hammered shorting the U.S. dollar last year. Bad 'timing' for Mr buy N hold.
Desperate-Odd-O ("that's funny, I don't care what you say" Larry the cable guy):BTW, what has been your average annual return the last 6 years trading futures? Honestly. Have you even kept track?