Hmmm...body towards the bottom of the shadow on SP500. A day or two correction is probably expected. Hopefully, that is not an indication that the tiny run-up is over. Hopefully, it will stay level, showing support and strength. Dropping below 1213 would be bad.
Harami on EFA, cool. Hopefully we will have a Three Inside Up rather than a Three Inside Down. Currency fluctuations may distort the pattern, so account for it.
I'm staying in need to get jitterish on speculation, just go where the evidence leads.
I did a bit of tweaking in the rest of my portfolio that I wish I'd done a month or two ago...falling asleep at the wheel can make us miss gains.
My top six picks:
PSPFX - Global Natural Resources - just added more to my position in it and moved some RSPFX into it.
RSNRX - Global Natural Resources - I added more to this position.
QRACX - hard assets
Van Eck World-Wide Emerging Markets Fund R (I can't find a ticker)
Van Eck World-Wide Hard Assets Fund R (I can't find a ticker)
UNWPX - Precious Metals
Other funds:
OSMCX - International Small Company Value (I may reduce this position, gotta check redemption fees)
QSCCX - Small Company Value
RSPFX - RS Partners, a long-term keeper
SMTVX - Multi-cap Value (traded SCOVX - Small Cap Value for it)
RSVAX - Formerly known as RSCOX, a value fund
Gartmore Global Utility III (I can't find a ticker)