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When will I learn the cost of
procrastination? Never...been 34 years...not gonna stop now! ( decide...I'll do it later...heh)
I Fund, 100%: Neat! A day late on my 100% I IFT so I got to pay a premium. That's OK, I am actually more confident in my IFT since I Fund showed some nice upward action today. (as if the shi**y F Fundtransacton wasn't enough to make me comfortable to get out of it hehe)
Lesson: If you make a mistake (or if you didn't make a mistake, but things just didn't work out as planned), then correct it. Don't cling to it, hoping to 'break even'. I did that for a day or threeand missed some nice I Fund gains. Over 1% on 30% of my account.
My share-price YTD gain is only 5.91%, so .34% this week is not exactly miniscule (attached).
Hey Py, am I ever gonna be on your spreadsheet? I'd feel like the red-headed black sheep if mlk werent' around.

(c'mon milkie! If we can't laugh at ourselves....then laugh at somebody else!)
Anyway, back to returns...I am not beating the S or I fund returns. It's enough to make me think of going 50/50 S/I and be done with it.
Then there's tekno...
who is successfully doing what I am hoping to accomplish. Can I gain his perspective, his strategy without reading gobs of lengthy articles? heh...Ima try. The wierd allocations makes me think of "high-speed dollar-cost-averaging".
C Fund: I keep thinking
1180 for the S&P. Today's Hanging Man isn't good. I don't think the way cool pennant wedge is gonna happen. I am bearish, short-term.
S Fund: Same thing...not as 'solid' in my mind as the C, but I would say
505 on
DWCP is a good buy point, the next low. I wouldn't rule out
F Fund: Makes no sense whatsoever. Peter Lynch stayed away from things that made no sense, so Ima do dat. I'll buy this when we have a killer bond rally and not a moment sooner. Somebody remind me of that if I ever entertain such a silly notion of buying F again...please.
X Fund: Yeah, that would be cool...and it would track and silver index. Okay, everybody write a letter to the TSP board peeps asking for an X Fund. Tomorrow will make a two-week flat base for it. Now is a good time to buy/add to your position.