Playing the I fund

MSCI EAFE = +1.677%. I guess it's as good a time as any to get the FV out of the way (about .20 cents worth). We'd still end up with a profit. :D
ebbnflow said:
MSCI EAFE = +1.677%. I guess it's as good a time as any to get the FV out of the way (about .20 cents worth). We'd still end up with a profit. :D

About 12 cents or so I'd say. Considerably better than the 1 1/2% beating I'm taking in the S fund.

nnuut said:
MSCI 1.677%:D

Wee! I got out to collect this gain. Should be at 18.85 tonight, if they correct the FV. If they don't, yippee for me! I'm afraid of waiting to see if everything will drop more. After yesterday's strength, I was hoping for more strength today.
If they get back to even today, which I assume they will, I'd think about a .25% increase.

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Where's it coming from?? EFA on Yahoo is slightly negative. Europe closed flat and the dollar hasn't done a thing all afternoon. I am all I fund today and feeling depressed (G for tomorrow).

What do you guys see that I don't??
Pilgrim said:
Where's it coming from?? EFA on Yahoo is slightly negative. Europe closed flat and the dollar hasn't done a thing all afternoon. I am all I fund today and feeling depressed (G for tomorrow).

What do you guys see that I don't??

Well, Pilgrim we have some leftovers from yesterday. Overseas is closed by the latest at 11:00 ET USA. Our market blasted off for the rest of the day. So EAFE MSCI is the only real indicator of what Internationals do daily (that I know of). EFA isn't correct it's only lets say a guess of what will be, because they are closed!!!!!!:D
sponsor said:
I believe that the next thing should be to persuade the more skilled and knowledgeable people in the I-Fund thread to share their market timing skills in the I-Fund with the rest of us. It seems that some people here have been more successful in doing this than I have been. I don't think sharing this info here will diminish the performance of others in any way, because in any case we are only a few persons interested in this. What I mean is, that it is not like sharing information with the rest of the world, in which case I would understand that no one would benefit!
Sponsor, be specific and ask someone. I've shared my trading philosophy a couple times. If you want to know what someone is doing and why, ask them here or in their account talk thread. Most people are willing to share. Keep reading this thread and your knowledge on I-fund will grow. I know I know more now than I did a year ago.
FundSurfer said:
Sponsor, be specific and ask someone. I've shared my trading philosophy a couple times. If you want to know what someone is doing and why, ask them here or in their account talk thread. Most people are willing to share. Keep reading this thread and your knowledge on I-fund will grow. I know I know more now than I did a year ago.

Fundsurfer, I really have no complaints. I have always received help from all of you here, and you are included, of course! I guess I was talking out of anxiety. I still would like to see how to get out like many of you do. Some of you time the exit knowing that if the U.S. does well the international markets usually follow the U.S., and I'd like to improve this. This morning I took some off the table, and sent some to F-Fund, but left the bulk in the I-Fund, because many technicians still expect a rally into next week. But I prefered to play a little conservatively based on mixed earnings reports coming out as well as the geopolitical concerns. Thanks again!
nnuut said:
Oh! You can look at the international stocks on a real time basis at the link below, that will give you a better idea of what is happening over there + what happened yesterday afternoon AND don't forget about FV!!!:)

I haven't the time to study this site right now, but I want to thank you for this contribution. Does anyone know if we can get an intraday chart somewhere of the FSIIX or some other similar fund or ETF that mirrors the I-Fund?
mlk_man said:
If they get back to even today, which I assume they will, I'd think about a .25% increase.


I've got it closer to 18.86 or 18.87.

Still a heck of a lot better than 2.05% whooping I took in the S fund today. What a miserable week and half this has been.

sponsor said:
. Does anyone know if we can get an intraday chart somewhere of the FSIIX or some other similar fund or ETF that mirrors the I-Fund?

I've seen them but they are from very expensive sites (like $1500 dollars/year expensive)

Wheels said:
I've seen them but they are from very expensive sites (like $1500 dollars/year expensive)


Thank you. Yes, I understand. At those prices it still is better to wait for the end-of-day charts!
Aww. Now they owe us. I wonder if these FV's are a little forward looking? Does it mean they expect foreign markets to go lower tomorrow?
fabijo said:
Aww. Now they owe us. I wonder if these FV's are a little forward looking? Does it mean they expect foreign markets to go lower tomorrow?
They over paid us 20 cents yesterday. Now we should be back to even.
I agree with fabijo. I think they are about twenty cents light. If you moved into the I fund for tomorrow, you should get a nice bonus.

These FV's should be the exception and not the norm, but I swear it seems like we get about 2 a week!
I understand the concept for it, but it just doesn't seem right to me. I mean who regulates them to make sure it's legal? I bet thay make tons of $$$ on FV's at our expense.