Playing the I fund

Yup, looks like a +FV of 10 cents. The dollar is only down .143 or +3 cents. Either way, the I fund looks good for tomorrow. Our 12 est deadline sucks.

Looks like the market came back down a little. The S fund is barely above .5% and the C fund finished at .44%. So, it's very close.

you might think this is a stupid question but what the hay: today I fund open at 73.77 closed at 74.20 for a
-$.05. Wed. if I fund opens at 74.20 and closes at 75.20, it be a bad day for us right?
Another 9 cent ice-beatin' to start the week off feels just wonderful. It's also comforting to know you're amongst other sound investors.

Thanks Fivetears, your pain is my pain. Last Friday and this Monday, we caught the dollar flat-footed. It wasn't prepared to go down, and didn't know it was supposed to go down. Tuesday, the dollar finally came to its senses, cracked and finally ceded its position. Hopefully, by Wednesday, our patience, persistence and perseverance can finally pay off. :)
It looks like we weren't the only ones getting a buy signal this morning. Japan is up 1.5% for no reason and the dollar is going in the toilet against the Euro and the Pound. Should be a good day in the I fund tomorrow. My luck, I picked the S fund because I didn't think USM was going to rebound this afternoon.
Solid green in Japan, CAC, DAX, FSTE.

Big up day in the "I" today.

Rats. I bailed yesteday.

Oh well. You win a few, you miss a few.
There was quite a few of us I-funders who bailed this week. With me; it's more of a gut feeling than anything else that there is a coming pause or pullback in the next few days.