I increased my I-fund to 50%, and kept 50% in G -- knowing, of course, that I might take a hit. However, I consider FundSurfer's reasoning quite valid, and also consider that Tom Crowley has more experience and more research resources than I do. I figure that if he is willing o keep 50% in C, he must have good reasons. I know that the I-fund drops lower than C. But, it also rises more than C percentage-wise. So, with a declining dollar, end-of-month windoe dressing, the idea that the U.N. stated that troops would be deployed by next week in Lebanon?, and with labor day coming up, I am playing it this way. If geopolitical news hit the markets, I still have 50% in G, which would be dry gunpowder to be used at a lower entry point. Indeed, I Hope this pans-out as I expect. We shall see!