Playing the I fund

Japan gapped up pretty big tonight, we'll see if it holds through the night. I was lookiing for the ^N300 to test the 300 area soon. I think the FTSE may do pretty well tomorrow. The FTSE retested the 5860 area twice before moving higher. If the FTSE moves good the DAX will follow.The DAX and S&P have been following the same path. With the S&P closing above 1300 we may see another move higher tomorrow.

NIKKEI 300 tonights chart-^N300&t=5d
NIKKEI 300 3 month chart-^N300&t=3m&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

FTSE 5 day chart-^FTSE&t=5d&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

DAX and S&P 6 month chart-^GDAXI&t=6m&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=^GSPC
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Please hyperlink site where it shows whether or not fair value is added, msci web site is what was mentioned . thxs

There is no site that shows the FV portion. That is done by some very skilled member of the MB. Here is the site that some of us use to watch the market the EAFE is the one that tracks the I fund. Us the "In US Dollars" and "Daily" column. Problem is that this chart has not been updating until well after the market closes. They may want us to start paying for their services.

Hope this helps.:D
Do you think that it would be helpful for us to write to the people in charge? Maybe they could do an exception with the TSP.GOV subscribers, since we are not necessarily the professional users that might produce significant income for them?
There is no site that shows the FV portion. That is done by some very skilled member of the MB. Here is the site that some of us use to watch the market the EAFE is the one that tracks the I fund. Us the "In US Dollars" and "Daily" column. Problem is that this chart has not been updating until well after the market closes. They may want us to start paying for their services.</p>
Hope this helps.:D
Do you think that it would be helpful for us to write to the people in charge? Maybe they could do an exception with the TSP.GOV subscribers, since we are not necessarily the professional users that might produce significant income for them?

They're in it to make money.:D
There is no site that shows the FV portion. That is done by some very skilled member of the MB. Here is the site that some of us use to watch the market the EAFE is the one that tracks the I fund. Us the "In US Dollars" and "Daily" column. Problem is that this chart has not been updating until well after the market closes. They may want us to start paying for their services.

Hope this helps.:D

FYI - I have found this to be a better link:
though I agree, they have made some changes that may indicate they are trying to make it harder for us "freeloaders" to use their site to monitor our fund.
I will appreciate input, either/or/analysis, or opinions regarding what is the most likely trend for the I-fund in the next few days. The consumer confidence numbers in the U.S. came in lower than expected, and the markets seem to be dropping now. Although this might be favorable in terms of the FED making a pause in September, that is quite far away yet, even though the dollar is declining with these numbers. Trying to make some sense out of this! Thanks.
...they have made some changes that may indicate they are trying to make it harder for us "freeloaders" to use their site to monitor our fund.

Why should they care? When we do this, late in the afternoon, the deadline has passed and there is nothing to be done. Its just a matter of trying to see how the day will end a few hours before we officially find out. The information can neither help nor hinder anything in any material way. You suppose they would go to the trouble of spoiling our fun just to be mean about it?
Ball Park estimate: Local currency around +0.4 %, the dollar is a little higher at +0.2% so the USD should be around +0.2% for a gain of about 0.04 cents to somewhere around $19.94
I pulled out completely and transfered to G at noon. Reason is that I see many factors that we have discussed weighing heavily on the stock indexes. I am aware that I could well be missing out on the labor day rally; however, some technicians consider this market to be struggling, with a lower number of stocks making new highs, showing some negative divergences, and affecting momentum. Seasonality is important, and since daily volume is quite low, as is normal in the summer months, the markets can be moved either way by a lesser number of traders. This might be good or bad, but I decided to make an exit now with what appears to be a pretty good day to exit the I-fund with some gains. If I am wrong, I will resign myself to the idea and I'll use this as a learning experience. However, this way I can preserve more, and come back later. Best wishes to all!
Ball Park estimate: Local currency around +0.4 %, the dollar is a little higher at +0.2% so the USD should be around +0.2% for a gain of about 0.04 cents to somewhere around $19.94

Its too early for meanigful estimates. In a little over an hour, the Fed notes will be released and currency traders will make yet another "judgment" about the likelyhood of further interest rate increases. The dollar, which has been flat for about three hours, will move sharply one way or the other. Having already made our moves, all we can do is rejoice or wail.
Please hyperlink site where it shows whether or not fair value is added, msci web site is what was mentioned . thxs

We are all using the MSCI web site to see what the I fund should pay on a given day. Then when the I fund price is posted for that day, if it is significantly higher or lower than what is was supposed to be, then we know that fair value has been applied.
