mlk_man's fun house

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grandma wrote:
cowboy wrote:
IfI offended anyone please accept my humble appology. If you do not accept my appology youhave 1 wish of the 3 wishes to choose from: Then you can hope your wish is answered.
May President Bush send my state 50,000 refugees.
hmmm - Cowboy - that would add just <than 2 additonal people per square mile in your fine state ... ........let me think about it .. !
LOL! Just think of the economic growth we would have here! It would probably be short lived though cause when winter hit they would possibly all freeze.
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Rolo wrote:
ehehehe...poor Spaf...'no good deed goes unpunished' :(
ehehehe..........yea right! ;)

As pyriel said case closed! Thread is back in mid stream! Don't want members drifting off and running their boat into rocks. Cause everyone has something to contribute. Rgds :) Spaf
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The piccys don't show, mlk.

Hey mlk...I just looked at your account #3 (but didn't post in put down the cat-o-nine tails, grandma) and I have to ask, mlk, "Whatdahellyoo dooin'?" heh...all over the place and such.
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Rolo wrote:
The piccys don't show, mlk.

Hey mlk...I just looked at your account #3  (but didn't post in put down the cat-o-nine tails, grandma) and I have to ask, mlk, "Whatdahellyoo dooin'?"  heh...all over the place and such.

Rolo, I understand your confusion. A moderator is like a quarterback, they know a lot about the "offensive" side of the team, but not much about about the defensive side. Meaning, a quarterback, you, has great knowledge of what it is to be "offensive" but knows virtually nothing about ones who "defend". Now myself being one who use to go both ways, no wait, that didn't sound right. I meant myself being a "wide" receiver, I mean "tight" end, and also being a "catcher", uh I mean "pitcher"........ you can see why I needed three different accounts right......

Actually I thought the "quarterback" would have talks with the "coach" and know what's going on.....:P

But seriously, the 3rd account was started because I was making such hugh returns on my first two, I promised "coach" that I would do my best to get worse returns in order to make everyone else feel better. I think I'm doing pretty good at it........never let it be said I'm not a "team" player. :^
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The pics are showing up here, anybody else see them? A couple of them are pretty funny. Especially the HMO ones.....:^
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mlk_man wrote:
The pics are showing up here, anybody else see them? A couple of them are pretty funny. Especially the HMO ones.....:^
No. Just the word size and boxes with red X.
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I hope it's Ok with MM to post this here, but the thread is called "Fun House".
The link below has 8 full-length episodes of "The Little Rascals" and other stuff that you can watch on-line for free.
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mlk_man wrote:
Now myself being one who use to go both ways
Hmmm.... OK.... Hmmmm..... My eyes are looking at the ceiling and my mind is wondering... Hmmm.... I wonder what the ladies have to say about this?
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pyriel wrote:
Hmmm.... OK.... Hmmmm..... My eyes are looking at the ceiling and my mind is wondering... Hmmm.... I wonder what the ladies have to say about this?
I'm stillover at page 1 -waiting for this `international man of mystery' to fix his photobucket or whatever, so I can see his pictures & get a chuckle too !!!!

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A friend from Louisville sent this to me:

LEXINGTON, KY (AP) - A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a courtroom

> drama in Lexington yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who

> should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his

> parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping

> with

> child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be

> maintained

> to the degree possible.


> The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more

> than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge

> then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that

> they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate

> family

> and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among

> them,

> the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who

> should have custody of him.


> After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare

> officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the University of

> Kentucky

> Wildcat football team, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of

> beating anyone. :shock:
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Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily Iraq briefing.
He concludes by saying:
"Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as
the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks,
"How many is a brazillion?"
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grandma wrote:
You'veposted some of the pictures before, but this is the first time you shared your whole site with us! - at least, with all of us. (I guess Jack's page is yours, too???)
Just don't belittle, ridicule, or scorn any of us this time around, okay? :X
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