mlk_man's fun house

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pyriel wrote:
Didn't get the redneck part. Is that because cowboy is a farm boy and since he is under the sun alot that his neck turns red due to sunburn?
You might be a redneck:

If you think the last words to the Star Spangled Banner are "Gentlemen, start your engines."

If your front porch collapses and four dogs git killed.

If the people on Jerry Springer's show remind you of your neighbors

If your dog rides in your truck more than your wife.

If you've never thrown away a 5-gallon bucket.

If you have to go outside to get something out of the 'fridge.

If you have spray painted your girlfriend's name on an overpass.

If you have flowers planted in a bathroom fixture in your front yard.

If anyone in your family died right after saying, "Hey, y'all watch this!".

If your Junior/Senior Prom had a Daycare.

If you've sent fan mail to a monster truck.

If you had a toothpick in your mouth when your wedding pictures were taken.

If more than one living relative is named after a southern civil war general.

If you've ever mowed the lawn and found a car.

If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain.

If everyday someone comes to your house thinking your having a yardsale.

If you've ever financed a tattoo.

If people have asked to hunt in your front yard.

If you think the nut cracker is something you did off the high dive.

If your lawn furniture used to be your living room furniture.

If the neighbors started a petition over your Christmas lights.

If you've been too drunk to fish.

If there are more than five McDonald's bags in your car.

If the dog catcher calls for a backup unit when visiting your house.

If you have been fired from a construction job because of your appearance.

If you've ever made change in the offering plate.
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LOL!! :DAre these both some of Jeff Foxworthy's work! "Things never said by a redneck" is pretty good! So do you figure your off the list Greg since you do claim to do some of them. :)
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cowboy wrote:
So do you figure you're off the list Greg?
Heck no. I only have one hunting dog (a Springer Spaniel) anddon't likesweet tea, butI qualify as a redneck in all the other ways.
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Some of the above posts do not meet the General Terms of Service of TSPTalk. The appropriate Moderator has been notified by PM.

Rgds :? Spaf
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Aww...I thought it was on topic, "fun house", and nobody's bent out of shape...I was LOL.
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Me too! Whats wrong with having a thread for some fun, it gets you to other subjects instead of grinding on the old ones. This thread could be like the funnies in the newspaper if you don't want to read it go to the next page. If you can not laugh at yourself and with others all the money in the world will not make you happy!
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I have no objection of "fun" and some were a LOL. However, the PIC of the female with the shopping cart went to far. In my opinion (and Tom's rules). If I'm wrong we can edit the warning.

If the ladies on board think the PIC was right/wrong. Send me a PM!

Just trying to hold the middle ground. Rgds Spaf
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Seems to me if the ladies want to express their opinion they could do it right here and not need to PM you! Just trying to keep things up front!
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Cowboy, the rules specifically state that you can make fun of redneck men but not redneck have to read the fine print. :^

One more thing you'll never hear a redneck say:

"Can I go ahead and make my next dentist appt. while I'm here Dr. Abdallah?"
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I don'tknow much about the rules and really don't care.The picture to me was too stereo type.It could of been much worse. I could see a problem if it was directed at a specific person but generalizing should not offend anyone. I think it was the source of the post more than the actual picture, that is causing the mumbling & grumbling. I didn'tsee any men complaining about the Women over 40that was posted.LOL, of course Andy Rooney shouldknow all about size! Or maybe Andy is too tight to get a woman under 40. Hey Andy your power is in your purse! LOL:D

IfI offended anyone please accept my humble appology. If you do not accept my appology youhave 1 wish of the 3 wishes to choose from: Then you can hope your wish is answered.

May1000 Iraqians ride over me with their camels.

May Rita dump a 20 foot wave on my home and wash my trailer to New Orleans.

May President Bush send my state 50,000 refugees.
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You know if these rednecks would stop p-ing in the water and making it warm, these hurricanes wouldn't get so big..........that includes the women too!! :P
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Spaf wrote:
I have no objection of "fun" and some were a LOL. However, the PIC of the female with the shopping cart went to far. ...Just trying to hold the middle ground. Rgds Spaf
..of my four kids three of them think Foxworthy is hilarious. sometimes - sometimes- I might think he is funny. I just skip the rest - I guess 'cuz I am not a Barbie fan either, I thought the picture probably was fitting bothFoxworthy & Barbie - !! Without a blackened eye it is ludicrous, with a blackened eye it is sad & depressing. ..but- leave it ...that could have been me 100 years ago - except I wasn't blonde !!!!
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:)Hey, the Pic didn't offend the contrary.....brought back fond memories from 30 years ago, and Husband # Uno!!!!!

See if you can get some white patent leather knee-high boots (that lace up) on her.

When did the world become a place where we can't laugh at ourselves?

Miss Peaches
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LOL!! :DI still don't know how Greg caught me lounging in my pool a monthago.:i It must be one of them new fangled satelite pictures!
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cowboy wrote:
IfI offended anyone please accept my humble appology. If you do not accept my appology youhave 1 wish of the 3 wishes to choose from: Then you can hope your wish is answered.
May President Bush send my state 50,000 refugees.
hmmm - Cowboy - that would add just <than 2 additonal people per square mile in your fine state ... ........let me think about it .. !
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I'm still tryin' to figure out what was supposed to be offensive about the redneck Barbie pic...even bearing the text and the spirit of the rules in mind. "Hypersensitivity", "Political Correctness", and "Thought Police" are the only things that do come to mind.

Careful: For rules to be equitable, they must universally apply. To consider something offensive based on gender aloneviolates this equity and undermines all rules, equitable or not. Additionally, to "shield" or "protect" women strictly because they are women implies that they are helpless waifs.
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mlk_man wrote:
Cowboy, the rules specifically state that you can make fun of redneck men but not redneck have to read the fine print. :^
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GeorgiaGal wrote:
:cool:Hey Dudes, I'm so amused! I'm past the big five-0, and way cuter than any of ya'll old fat pharts!

Ggal, please send me your pics... Would like to verify that myself...;-)
OK... I've verified it and I am impressed. Georgia ladies don't lie... Case closed...
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