TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

The C-fund has been the TSP fund to beat this year, and this week nobody could. The C-fund did not have the greatest single day return this week, the S-fund did on Monday, but the C-fund went five days without a loss. That did include a day with no return while the other TSP funds were in the negative. The five days accumulated to a return of 1.89% for the C-fund and all the TSP Talk AutoTracker members holding 100% C-fund through the week.

Here are the weekly, monthly, and annual TSP fund returns for the week ending May 10:


There were opportunities to outperform the C-fund for the week, but no member was able to pull it off. A couple examples would have been a move from 100% S-fund to 100% C-fund on Monday or Tuesday, or a move from 100% C-fund to 100% I-fund on Wednesday. Of course, these hypotheticals are only visible in foresight, and with everyone working with 2 IFTs a month, it’s hard to see every possibility fulfilled.

The majority of IFTs used this week were to exit stock funds. There were 60 IFTs made among the TSP Talk community. Twenty-seven of those 60 were moves to 100% G-fund. Those don’t include members who made partial moves to the G-fund. Fifteen of the 60 IFTs landed in 100% stock fund allocations. Those don’t include partial allocations either.

For 2024, only six full-year TSP Talk AutoTracker members are outperforming the C-fund. Fifteen members were outperforming the C-fund on April 20[SUP]th[/SUP] when stocks were reaching their April lows. But since then, stocks have bounced back and those in the G-fund have been left behind and kick below the 59 members who have held 100% C-fund all year.

Here are the six who currently outperform the C-fund for the year:

  1. Johnny: +14.51%
  2. Butters +10.61%
  3. gitkrunk +10.51%
  4. totallykool +10.38%
  5. Timberwoof +10.36%
  6. CrabClaw +10.29%
  7. C-fund +10.02%

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Good luck and thanks for reading! We will be back here next week with another TSP Talk Wrap Up. You can read our daily market commentary at TSP Talk - Market Commentary. If you need some help deciding what to do with your account, perhaps one of our premium services can help.

Thomas Crowley
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The legal stuff: This information is for educational purposes only! This is not advice or a recommendation. We do not give investment advice. Do not act on this data. Do not buy, sell or trade the funds mentioned herein based on this information. We may trade these funds differently than discussed above. We use additional methods and strategies to determine fund positions.