Market Talk

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Looks like the I and the Scould have a big day.... I took a short term play, but put C=40 S=30 and none in the I.:X Some are betting Fed might ease! That would be a big mover!
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Update for Northeast Missouri and West Central Illinois. Fuel ranging from $2.72 to $2.99 per gallon. I just got lucky and fueled all of my vehicles at $2.72. Filling station row on the Illinois and Missouri border gas was $2.73 @ 1600 hrs yesterday and was $2.79 @ 0130 hrs this morning. I will bet the farm that it will be much higher when I go thru there @ 1600 hrs today. Rumor at the local gas station is that the Williams Pipeline fuel depot has closed their gates to trucks. Local gas station’s brother-in-law is fuel hauler and the location he hauls fuel from is “out of gas”. I have not been able to verify the Pipeline info. yet but will on the way to work. Local National Guard was report to be moved down to “stand-by”.

Local indigenous teeth stained by tobacco old timer quoted saying. “Guess we’ll get by without. We dunit before. Just don‘t touch my Social Security.”
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something like this about to happen??

the largest construction project since the interstates were built.;)

tool, die, constr. materials, heavy equip,, refiners,steel, drillers offshore maint.

a once and4all assualt on the lower miss. delta with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Show-me wrote:
Update for Northeast Missouri and West Central Illinois. Fuel ranging from $2.72 to $2.99 per gallon. I just got lucky and fueled all of my vehicles at $2.72. Filling station row on the Illinois and Missouri border gas was $2.73 @ 1600 hrs yesterday and was $2.79 @ 0130 hrs this morning. I will bet the farm that it will be much higher when I go thru there @ 1600 hrs today. Rumor at the local gas station is that the Williams Pipeline fuel depot has closed their gates to trucks. Local gas station’s brother-in-law is fuel hauler and the location he hauls fuel from is “out of gas”. I have not been able to verify the Pipeline info. yet but will on the way to work. Local National Guard was report to be moved down to “stand-by”.

Local indigenous teeth stained by tobacco old timer quoted saying. “Guess we’ll get by without. We dunit before. Just don‘t touch my Social Security.”
just paid 2.69/gal at ft benning
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teknobucks wrote:
Show-me wrote:
Update for Northeast Missouri and West Central Illinois. Fuel ranging from $2.72 to $2.99 per gallon. I just got lucky and fueled all of my vehicles at $2.72. Filling station row on the Illinois and Missouri border gas was $2.73 @ 1600 hrs yesterday and was $2.79 @ 0130 hrs this morning. I will bet the farm that it will be much higher when I go thru there @ 1600 hrs today. Rumor at the local gas station is that the Williams Pipeline fuel depot has closed their gates to trucks. Local gas station’s brother-in-law is fuel hauler and the location he hauls fuel from is “out of gas”. I have not been able to verify the Pipeline info. yet but will on the way to work. Local National Guard was report to be moved down to “stand-by”.

Local indigenous teeth stained by tobacco old timer quoted saying. “Guess we’ll get by without. We dunit before. Just don‘t touch my Social Security.”
just paid 2.69/gal at ft benning

Are they tax exempt on base?
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The Kingdom of TSP

Daily Edition

Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves & Yak Date August 31, Closing

Market News.

Kingdom Talk: King to drain swamp! Jester stated draining swamp is only way to find lost vestors.

Elsewhere: Horse feed at all time high. Krude's horse Fillerup still eating!

Doodles and Tea Leaves - Daily.

S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at 1220.33, up +11.92
CMF (money flow) at -0.167, up
RSI (strength) at 50.2, up
MACD (trend) bearish
S-STO (signal) bullish
P-SAR (signal) 1st green signal
ROC (change) bearish

Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at 68.94, dn -0.87

Tea Leaves: Reddish, with possible change.


Remarks: Holding 100/0
S&P Stops: Alert= NA, Trail= NA.
Oil Markers: <64= ok, 64-69= worry, >69= panic.
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Nice call Tom. :)

I'd feel a little more euphoric (I went 50/50 cs yesterday) except we have anationalemergency in progress. Gonna send a contribution to the Red Cross. They're going to need a lot more than that, but we have to start somewhere.We havea lot of healing to do.
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Fox News just showed a gas station, I think it was in Atlanta 5.99 a gallon. It also showed a Station down the street the price was only 2.99 a gallon... So the gouging begins... Hundreds of reports coming in about gouging .....
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Skip wrote:
Market is holding up pretty good
moving a little bit back in 70f10c10s10i

But we will see earning for some companies hit pretty hard later.., But
alot will see more business because of the storms... Bonds should do well...


Day late and a dollar short as usual..... Have not run the numbers yet but !!!!
At least in selected stocks to trade....

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teknobucks wrote:
something like this about to happen??

the largest construction project since the interstates were built.;)

tool, die, constr. materials, heavy equip,, refiners,steel, drillers offshore maint.

a once and4all assualt on the lower miss. delta with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Its going to pull the whole market up... Plus the FED won't raise that 1/4 point and when that happens LOOK OUT .....
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Interesting times, isn't it?

Who would have thot that the majority of Americans place such a value on such a crazily depreciating asset like a car or SUV? Who would have thot that once again -- like the 70's-- the cost of simply running such an asset (if it can be called that) would have such a LARGE impact on disposible income? Who would have thot that such a premium is placed on such a thing that it would take up such an inordinate amount of the nation's disposible income(?)!

What a scam that is. The advertising market must be eurphoric over its efforts and its effects.

So if most people value their cars all that much, then there is hardly a limit that one would be willing to pay to drive one. The pain threshold for its use must be really super to fill its gas tank for $50-60 a shot. HA, if it can't be done it is like the nation acts like it is strung-out and goes thru withdrawl: cold turkey. Maybe there aren't the cold sweats, or the dry heaves or whatever, but there is definately high anxiety when the demand fix outpaces the supply and couples resort to signing away their first born for the next 20 years of a fill up.

Lord have mercy.
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Hmmm, I went to work yesterday at 5:15AM and reg. gas was $2.59. Came home at 4:00 pm and reg. gas was $2.99. Guess what, Maryland's motto is the "Free State"........:shock:

Of course I guess walking IS free!!