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The Kingdom of TSP
Early Edition
Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves, & Yak Date: August 28, 2005
Market News.
Kingdom Talk: Market remains captivated by Krude. Lube and rate talk will be major players in the sentiment of the consumer which has been somewhat sour. Vestors will be pondering the economy, the high price of lube, and the interest rate outlook (FOMC minutes). last week lube hit a all time high of $68 a bucket. Enough is enough!
Elsewhere: The last week in August might be the weather week. That is if we can survive Katrina and Labor day. There after if lube backs off, a buying opportunity could exist, and could spark a post labor day rally. At least I would like to think so!
Elsewhere: A coulple of companies caught manipulating numbers to deceive investors. Fed sees housing boom to start simmering.
Other News: ->
Doodles, and Tea Leaves - Weekly.
S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at 1205.10, dn -1.2% for the week.
CMF (money flow) at -0.183, dn
RSI (strength) at 37.9, dn
MACD (trend) bearish
S-STO (signal) bearish
ROC (change) bearish
Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at 66.13, up +$0.78 for the week
Attachment: S&P (3mo) chart ending 08-26. Added: 20dMA, PSAR, MACD, S-STO, and ROC.
Tea leaves: Red
Remarks: Holding 80-20-0-0-0 IFT: 100/0
My sentiment: Waiting till after labor day.
S&P Stops: Alert: NA, Trailing: NA.
Oil Markers: OK=<63, Worry=63-68, Panic=>68
Weekly TSP Returns: G=+.01, F=+.01, C=-.16, S=-.08, I=+.01
The Kingdom of TSP
Early Edition
Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves, & Yak Date: August 28, 2005
Market News.
Kingdom Talk: Market remains captivated by Krude. Lube and rate talk will be major players in the sentiment of the consumer which has been somewhat sour. Vestors will be pondering the economy, the high price of lube, and the interest rate outlook (FOMC minutes). last week lube hit a all time high of $68 a bucket. Enough is enough!
Elsewhere: The last week in August might be the weather week. That is if we can survive Katrina and Labor day. There after if lube backs off, a buying opportunity could exist, and could spark a post labor day rally. At least I would like to think so!
Elsewhere: A coulple of companies caught manipulating numbers to deceive investors. Fed sees housing boom to start simmering.
Other News: ->
Doodles, and Tea Leaves - Weekly.
S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at 1205.10, dn -1.2% for the week.
CMF (money flow) at -0.183, dn
RSI (strength) at 37.9, dn
MACD (trend) bearish
S-STO (signal) bearish
ROC (change) bearish
Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at 66.13, up +$0.78 for the week
Attachment: S&P (3mo) chart ending 08-26. Added: 20dMA, PSAR, MACD, S-STO, and ROC.
Tea leaves: Red
Remarks: Holding 80-20-0-0-0 IFT: 100/0
My sentiment: Waiting till after labor day.
S&P Stops: Alert: NA, Trailing: NA.
Oil Markers: OK=<63, Worry=63-68, Panic=>68
Weekly TSP Returns: G=+.01, F=+.01, C=-.16, S=-.08, I=+.01