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G'morn everyone,
I go home for a day and what do I read.....hmmm hmmm hmmm......U guys can be cruel....
Tom asked me if I knew why I was being called MT....I had no idea....I thought you guys had a nasty word for me.....looks like you boys and girls had run into someone you would rather do without....
In my book, you guys were out of line, I'm not who you think I hang it up somewhere else would ya.....(so far my participationis voluntary.....after this MT junk I have thought about not participating...Why help a bunch of crude people.....butI can understand your error and forgive you for your misunderstanding).........
Now, on to other things.....I see how some of you guage the market direction, by daily news....well I've been in and out of the market to know good and well that preception of where the market is relative to where it has been, is more important.
Everybody that knows the market expects certain news to come out during certain times in the market .....I will give you this advice, expect the market to move one way or another from past other words, nobody wants to buy an expensive used item, they would rather wait and buy low, then sell does matter alot especially when it gets high....the market sees it this way, if the price is high over the recent timeperiod, then why or no news......even though some news is revelant, you just have to pick out what what does high interest rates, high energy prices, etc etctell you about where the market is going....
you guys hang up the MT bull....I'll let it go for what it error.
The Technician