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Greetings, MT...
The Technician wrote:
Greetings, MT...
The Technician wrote:
Hmmm, I think its about time for another educated guess on some dates when things might be you recall, I caution you guys to make up your minds last week on getting out of the market.....:?
This week and the first two weeks of May looks very muddy.....lots of jigging may be going on here.....very very high risk being in the market.....:shock:
Looking for something drastic around 14th May......:shock:we'll get that bottom Tom talks so much of......only thing looks like its further down a cliff!!!! I guess you won't like too much ehhhh Tom.......
Of course this is an educated guess......never can say 100% never really know....but I have been pretty accurate lately....
I'm licking my chops as if I had been eating some good ole ribs off the BarB.....but temptation is the Devils work! :s I might get in for one day here soon.....only if it looks like the sharks took a break!!!
The Technician:dude: