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The Kingdom of TSP
Sunday Edition
Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves, & Yak Date: June 6, 2005
Market News.
Market Talk: Krude out of the can...again! Growers bicker about market outlook. Weak hiring and high crude caused a Friday speed bump consolidation. However, techs may come to the rescue to add a rainbow to the squabble line. Semi's sighted on some of the kingdom high roads. Musketeers asking for volunteers to chase Horsemen. Interested persons can contact deputy Pry at the constables office. Local JP Will be hiring renowned bear hunter Birc, and can hopefully keep the Horsemen from eluding the musketeers. However, volunteer turn out was skimpy as folks stayed in the G shed.
Elsewhere: Mr. T the CEO of the local rag was busy stashing away a percent of recent loot in an old mattress. W-girl figured out how to get the sardines back in the tin. Local cowboys also returned to the shed after being bounced by the bulls, but they should be back shortly, cause Granny has some cure-all liniment.
Doodles, and Tea Leaves.
S&P 500 (Index)
Closing at 1196.02, dn -8.27
CMF (money flow) at 0.269, dn
RSI (strength) at 57.1, dn
MACD (trend) at 8.39, dn, bullish.
Nymex (Crude oil)
Closing at 55.03 up +1.40 (above 55 = jitters).
Attachment: S&P (3mo) chart ending 06-03. Added: 50dMA, P-SAR, RSI, MACD, and notes.
Tea leaves:
Remarks: Holding 0/100 (60C, 40S). Trailing stop at 1180. Primary movement still bullish, and holding in channel.
Returns on TSPfor the past
three weeks: G=+.03, F=+.10, C=+.46, S=+.85, I=+.28