FundSurfer account talk

I increased my exposure to more risk for the next few days. 3rd quarter numbers were better than expected. I resisted a temptation to move more into the I-fund just because the dollar has been moving up of late. If the dollar turns around, I'll move more into I-fund.

I'm working on a plan for when I get a letter... I'm at about 40+ trades for the year. I've been making fewer trades of late but that has more to do with a market that I felt was moving too quickly for me to react to without too much guess and too much risk for my taste. (I've also been busier than usual which has limited my ability to follow the market as much as I'd like.)

Merry Christmas! Let's all hope the FTRIB Grinch doesn't bite us in the Tookus.
Hi FS:

It's good to see you post again. Good luck on jumping back in. Thanks for sharing your analysis, charts, and thoughts about the markets. Happy Holidays!!

Well, I've waited for a bounce to leave too long. Should have gone sooner. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. More pain ahead, I think.

Gone to G.
Moved to 40%G, 20% each CSI. I think we are in for a little more bounce but I think ultimately we will retrace again. Hoping to catch some of the bounce.
Hmmmm.... I haven't been keeping this current like I should. I moved from 10F 25c 40S 25I to 50G 25C 25S.

I guess I'm figuring for a little pull back.
Coolectring a Ben Franklin about once a week from G is still better than losing money in other funds. This market is so volitile and I see things getting worse from here in the near future. It is so hard to time a bounce in C, S and I so I will just keep 100% in G myself and wait. It appears alot of people are waiting in the safe haven of G currently.
Yes, I've sat on the sidelines for a while. I'm thinking I'm seeing a new cycle develop which put me into action. I did phase in and phase out because I still see the volitility.
Volatility is the price you pay in order to get the kind of superior return that equity exposure gives you. The VIX is currently testing its' 200 dma support at 21.29. I'm looking for 16 in the not too distant future.
I moved to 50%C , 25% S, 25% I. I expect a Friday selloff based on not wanting to hold over the weekend given the uncertainty. I expect there to be a bounce on Monday. The lack of short selling may affect this philosophy so it is a very risky move. I also have not moved this month and expect to quickly move back to G-fund.
Hey FS, good to see you posting again. You have been missed friend.

Your distant relative (six degrees of seperation and all that) FS

I'll stay at least one more day. The European Banks in trouble has caused this to happen. If earlier big drop patterns repeat, tommorrow will be a bounce.
Lurking. Prowling the depths. Have not wanted to think much about what was going on in the market. After my last move I decided to leave everything alone for 6 months - no matter what. The market was a mess and seemingly unpredictable at the time. I'd made a couple bad mistakes. The TSP system had changed and I had not come to grips with the changes, and frankly did not have time to think about it.

I'm ready to think about the markets again. It is early summer which is a time the market historically doesn't do well, but has been steadily rebounding for a while...

Maybe I'll take another 6 month nap.

Well, maybe just do a little research before deciding...
Good to hear from ya Fundsurfer, :D

I sure have missed you market comments.

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