Top Return 2008
(highlighting is mine..g)
-Hmmm - where, exactly, did you get the impression that you are getting advice, free or otherwise?? In truth, what you are getting is NOT advice - it is simply folks sharing what they know, what their charts & systems are telling them, and what they expect to do about it. And that is free. You make your own decisions. (I find it interesting that this whole conversation began when you jumped in to tell FundSurfer what he should do with his, yet you say you are here for Free Advice!) If your chosen funds take a fall & your account lessens, it is because of your free will to choose where & how much.
Bitter? what on earth is there to be bitter about on a 'talk site? ...that had to come from someplace in your spirit that must be barely hidden...
What is it to you what some of the rest of us do? Is that what drove you to rashly condemn something you were not a part of? You say you are getting your information for Free; why does it bother you that I might pay a fellow for swimming or trading or sky-diving lessons?
That is true, watch the bottom of the front page; besides noting how many members are signed in, it will also note how many readers are not signed in... Who knows how many of those are members of the board, and how many are not... I would imagine alot of members don't sign in just to read, as they are pushed for time.
-this comment probably has the least amount of truth in it than anything so far... You are not very `read up' if you think there aren't any `face-offs' here. And, actually, cojones aren't of any value in this particular thread. Commenting intelligently requires thinking in a more traditional area.
-ahh, truth - you don't care. That does come across as arrogance, you know. And adding that you `mean no harm,' doesn't cover that up.
To excuse bad behavior by the part of the U.S. you live in is inexcusable - especially when you consider how many of the Board are either from East Texas, or have family there. And to use your beer drinking as rationale, just means you don't feel you can be held accountable, and that `speaking up' is therefore a freebie regardless of the harm.
Tom, the Administrator, gave you the benefit of the doubts some had; and described to you the history of the Premium Services - that HAVE been here for years, & were in place BEFORE you joined us.
Your reply Could have simply been a `thank you for that unknown information.'
Good and Truthful Information Grandma. I concur with your Statements and admire your willingness to share.
The majority of the members at tsptalk.com are considerate of each others feelings. And this means they care, share, and are helpful.
Anyone with a less Attitude doesn't fit in with the Chemistry here.