So from a tactical perspective, what is the purpose of this tax plan?
Currently, regarding jobs, we've been at "full employment" statistically (5% or lower) for over 2 years. We now have a "Labor Shortage" in most sectors.
Currently, regarding corporations...they have never been more flush with cash than now.
So basically, there are no significant amount of new jobs that are needed by our economy. (We need more workers from somewhere else actually).
And corporations have more than twice the amount of cash than they did at the end of the last boom cycle that ended in 2007. Yet now we are going to give them even more cash to hoard (keeping it out of the economy)???
So what is the purpose of this tax change again...that is going to add 1.5 Trillion to the National Debt?
Wasn't the whole thing behind the tax cuts was to give money back to business and create jobs?
The labor shortage as I see it is two fold; unqualified workers and wages are to low to attract the worker (benefits, etc.)
We need to see apprentice programs started to get the skilled labor back in the market and increase wages and benefits.