Sometimes I feel like I am playing with fire. Jumping to the I fund yesterday was pretty risky. Now all my monkeys are telling me to go to the C fund. Here are the basic rules of each monkey:
Brave Monkey: Go to the fund (C,S,I) with the highest average of differences between the logs of their price. The differences in log price help in calculating the speed of movement, either up or down. For the average, I use a weighted average, varying the previous day's weight between .9 and .5. This is the riskiest monkey. At various times, it is the furthest negative return for the year. However, by the end of the year it is usually beating the top performing fund.
Cautious Monkey: It calculates the same averages as the brave monkey, but does not go all in on a fund. Instead, it distributes the percentage between all three funds based on how fast each fund is changing. So, instead of going 100% into the fastest one, it spreads between all three giving higher percentages to the fastest ones. Sometimes their speed is just hairs from each other, so this gives me a better idea of how one fund might be improving. This monkey pretty much has a history of matching the top fund, but not beating it.
Cautious Monkey A: This one goes back to going all in 100% into one fund, but follows different rules than the others. It still calculates the average speed of movement, but instead of going to the one that moved the fastest in the past couple of days, it goes to the one that is improving its speed more than the others. This monkey is on fire for this year, yielding over 10% for the year.
I'm uploading all three of these monkeys to my server, so I'll provide a link to them when they are done.