fabijo's account talk

Well, looks like I couldn't make it in time to make an IFT. That's alright. I'm sticking with the C fund for at least another day. The MACD(12,26,9) for the S&P is much better than both the Wilshire 4500 and the MSCI EAFE.

Another thing to note is the intraday action these past few weeks. I keep noticing that the S&P recovers much faster from any dips.

Beige book could change things later today. Hoping for the best. :nuts:
I haven't been checking my monkeys as often as I should. If I checked between the Brave and the Cautious Monkeys, I could use something like ebb's cross checking. Only instead of cross checking, it would be called Monkey slapping.

I just ran the week's numbers by the Brave and Cautious Monkeys. They agreed on today - they would've went to the I Fund cob today (which I didn't do). They now also agree on going to the C Fund tomorrow. Since I'm already hanging out there, I'll just stay there for at least another day.
Every time I walk past the television this morning (CNN), they are talking about Dow hitting 13,000. It looks like the talks are something like:

"Is it too late to get in?"
"Be careful."
"Blah. Blah. Fence talking.... blah blah."

There's some negative talks about the subprime market, the housing sectors, taking profits...

As long as they aren't excitedly talking about the endless profits, I'm happy to stay in. I'll hang out in the C fund for at least today. I may consider switching to the S Fund tomorrow. We'll have to see how the day goes and what the monkeys on my back tell me tonight/tomorrow.
I keep thinking the S fund is going to catch up one of these days. So far the leader has been the C fund, hasn't it?

Every time I walk past the television this morning (CNN), they are talking about Dow hitting 13,000. It looks like the talks are something like:

"Is it too late to get in?"
"Be careful."
"Blah. Blah. Fence talking.... blah blah."

There's some negative talks about the subprime market, the housing sectors, taking profits...

As long as they aren't excitedly talking about the endless profits, I'm happy to stay in. I'll hang out in the C fund for at least today. I may consider switching to the S Fund tomorrow. We'll have to see how the day goes and what the monkeys on my back tell me tonight/tomorrow.
I could state my tendentious opinion on this subject but Wheels will come back and tell me to shut the heck up. 48% of SPX earnings are now generated from overseas....that's enough.
The I fund only lost the least in percentage terms - when you consider dollars it was down $0.74. C fund was down $0.55 and the S fund was down $0.65. March 5 was another heavy hit with I fund down $0.39 to $21.65 and that is where I bought my first insurance position.
We are a little slow here in Arkansas. We are so far back in the sticks that the sun comes up two hours late. AST (Arkansas Standard Time) Anyway what I am looking at has the I fund down .80.
You live in a most beautiful state - stand proud. You may be looking at the dollar gain against the yen which is up between .72 and .80. That's my guess.
I keep thinking the S fund is going to catch up one of these days. So far the leader has been the C fund, hasn't it?

Yup, the C fund has led these past 2 weeks. I keep thinking the same thing about the S Fund. At least today the S Fund held a little steadier than the C during the hours of 11am to 12pm. That could give you some insight into what the day traders are thinking for this afternoon or the next couple of days. There are still more earnings reports next week.
I just made my IFT from the C Fund to the S Fund. The S is looking like it has less to fall, but it is the one falling the most today. I hate to play with the I Fund when the dollar is "supposed" to go up plenty from here. While the dollar is at these whacky stages, I'll hold off on the I fund.
Man, I really got lucky with that one. The C Fund stayed flat, so it matched up with the G and F while the S and I lost a couple pennies.

Next week is a new week! I'm looking forward to some wild market action!
I think the market is going to be more wild than we want! I'm nervous about Al Queda...the Saudi's thwarted a huge attack on their oil fields. I don't think that was the only attack that was planned. I wanna go to the G fund really bad, but I know if the market takes a hit I still have 12 years to ride it out and DCA my way back to financial health again.