fabijo's account talk

Moving from the S to the C. I'm in the monkey bounce around mode, which means to only bounce between C,S,I. Avoid G and F at all costs.
Sweet! I made one of the top returns for September! I guess I was in the "Least Negative" category!! :nuts:
Sweet! I made one of the top returns for September! I guess I was in the "Least Negative" category!! :nuts:

I bow at the alter of Fabijo. Only 4 people beat ALL of the funds and you're one of them. Congrats that is very impressive, your my hero! :D
Thanks, Frixxxx and JTH!

I just scheduled another transfer from 100% C to 100% S. Why? I dunno. I just like moving around.
I just put an IFT to transfer from 100% S to 100 % I to take effect at the close of business tomorrow. I'll try the autotracker later, but I may not get a chance to update it tomorrow since I'll be traveling.
I still ain't scared.

I'm not scared either. Just upset that I could have bailed to G in April and didn't so I am now going to have to make 20% for the last six months of 2010 just to get back to those numbers. Yeah right!!!