fabijo's account talk

Gee Boghie I think you have the makings of a Government appointee, have you applied for a position? All you need is to not have paid your taxes for the last ten years and you are a shoe in.:)
Refabijo's account talk

I've got a resolution for the UN. KMA! Everytime those blooming idiots raise their fist and shoot their guns in the air and rant their chant then blow their A** up and I don't give a rat's A** if innocent people get killed or not. Cruel isn't it? That's just how you take care of their morbid ideology. They can chant and rave all they want but when they do it against America and our christian heritage then I have no mercy on their A**. Free speech ha! who's free speech theirs or ours.:mad:
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It may not matter much what laws exist right now. Baxter Laboratories 'accidentally' sent vaccine samples to labs in Europe that just happened to be infected with the live avian flu virus mixed with a human virus.

from http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5iV_RT6oBK3tOhtsWf5pnu5OIby9w :

People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted.

Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences.

While H5N1 doesn't easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.

That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.

and from http://www.lifegen.de/newsip/shownews.php4?getnews=2009-02-25-5123&pc=s02

"The material came from Deerfield, Illinois-based Baxter, which reported the incident to the Austrian Ministry of Health, Sigrid Rosenberger, a ministry spokeswoman, said today in a telephone interview", the network-alert-system is quoting. "This was infected with a bird flu virus," Rosenberger said. "There were some people from the company who handled it." There are severe signs that the long expected pandemic avian influenza could be on its way to conquer the world - even without Baxter's error driven help.
Finally, we've got clear indication that China is 'worried' about funding our government operations:


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao voiced concerns today about the security of China's massive investments in U.S. government debt, even as he expressed confidence in the economic leadership of President Obama.

"To be honest, we are a little bit worried," Wen said, speaking at the closing press conference of China's annual legislative session.

"We have loaned huge amounts of money to the United States, so of course, we have to be concerned. . . . We hope the United States honors its word and ensures the safety of Chinese assets."

China is America's biggest foreign creditor. About half of China's estimated $2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves, the largest in the world, are invested in U.S. Treasury and other government-backed bonds. China's continued holdings and future purchases of American debt are seen as an important part of financing Obama's $787-billion economic stimulus plan.
I'm making a quick move to the G fund from 100% I. The news is just way too excited about these upward moves.
If you cut and run you'll miss the next seven trading days and that could be expensive.

I know. It crossed my mind. Especially knowing that there may not be any pauses on the way up to Dow 13000. I'm taking a risk and a gamble, which should be a good sign for people to follow the opposite of what I just did.
Woohoo! I'd like another 19% month, please! I know it won't happen sitting in G, but I'm sure I'll be back in stocks in no time.
During my research for the ultimate stock predicting monkey, I came across this medical breakthrough:

Sheesh, talk about the little yellow bus:

I know. It crossed my mind. Especially knowing that there may not be any pauses on the way up to Dow 13000. I'm taking a risk and a gamble, which should be a good sign for people to follow the opposite of what I just did.

You see. Do the opposite of me and you'll win! I got out of stocks and look what I'm missing out on! C'mon. Learn to go against the fab.
You see. Do the opposite of me and you'll win! I got out of stocks and look what I'm missing out on! C'mon. Learn to go against the fab.

Like minds sink together, I'd rather have your company.
Ok, Ok, BS..........
But the FAB is one to watch, that for sure ! :)
This is an excellent article on herding behavior:


Human herding behavior results from impulsive mental activity in individuals responding to signals from the behavior of others. Impulsive thought originates in the basal ganglia and limbic system. In emotionally charged situations, the limbic system’s impulses are typically faster than rational reflection performed by the neocortex. Experiments with a small number of naïve individuals as well as statistics reflecting the behavior of large groups of financial professionals provide evidence of herding behavior. Herding behavior, while appropriate in some primitive life-threatening situations, is inappropriate and counterproductive to success in financial situations. Unconscious impulses that evolved in order to attain positive values and avoid negative values spur herding behavior, making rational independence extremely difficult to exercise in group settings. A negative feedback loop develops because stress increases impulsive mental activity, and impulsive mental activity in financial situations, by inducing failure, increases stress. The interaction of many minds in a collective setting produces super-organic behavior that is patterned according to the survival-related functions of the primitive portions of the brain. As long as the human mind comprises the triune construction and its functions, patterns of herding behavior will remain immutable.
:D We're ALL lemmings! According to the article, institutional investors are part of the herd just like anyone else. In fact, the herd is what moves the market. All of it is irrational. We only apply reasonings to our irrational behavior.
It's killing me to watch these up days from the G fund, but I'd hate to make a decision based on fear. I need to be Spock. Live long and prosper. I'd hate to make any moves based on primal emotions originating in my limbic system.

Who's guiding the herd? Can I be that guy?
I'd hate to make any moves based on primal emotions originating in my limbic system.

Who's guiding the herd? Can I be that guy?

I hate it when that happens. By the way, what the hell are you taking
about ? :nuts: (Just kidding, I read the article). With 11 Trading days left,
anything can happen and usually does. :confused: