Didn't we hear the same concerns 15 years ago.
From the land of the rising sun.
Not so much now.
Google Pebble Beach property sales to see how that came along :toung:
The Chinese are buying American because they are in trouble. Their little Viagra Stimulus (a paltry $425 Billion!) is going to falter soon. They ain't got nuthin if we ain't buying their crapolla. We ain’t buying anyone’s crapolla anymore. We is broke for a while. Big party. Lots of people, pizza, beer – new carpets, fixing the holes in the wall, bailing friends out of the slam, paying off the drug pushers and loan sharks. Thus, no money going for fine Chinese Lead Based Toys. So, the Chinese autocrats and entrepreneurs are just trying to hide assets from their Kleptocracy while the hiding is good. Wouldn't you hide your nouveau riche assets in another country if your government had a history of seizing assets and clamping down on the prosperous?