ebbnflow's Account Talk

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I hope this is not a duplicate post by someone else, however, wanted to remind everyone that according to the TSP folks, beginning October 2007, we "should" use the account number on the account when accessing our TSP account via the TSP website. Looks like we STILL can use our SSN if we so desire, however, they prefer we use the account number for security reasons.
I hope this is not a duplicate post by someone else, however, wanted to remind everyone that according to the TSP folks, beginning October 2007, we "should" :suspicious:use the account number on the account when accessing our TSP account via the TSP website. Looks like we STILL can use our SSN if we so desire, however, they prefer we use the account number for security reasons.
When the TSP Web site and the ThriftLine are changed to accept account numbers, you must use your account number rather than your SSN to log into the Account Access section of the TSP Web site or the Account Menu of the ThriftLine. As usual, you will also need your Web password or ThriftLine Personal Identification Number (PIN). Your password and PIN will not be affected by the switch to account numbers. :cheesy:http://www.tsp.gov/curinfo/login/accountnumber.html
I am happy for you because finally you are going to be compensated for all
your sharings... I CAN'T WAIT TO SUBSCRIBE ! ! !
and help Tom and You for everything you both have done for the TSP community... Again... Thank You Again !:)

Thanks, ekatteng! The subscription price just got cheaper with the dollar falling. Wait, it maybe the other way around. I think I'm getting a headache. :blink:
I hope this is not a duplicate post by someone else, however, wanted to remind everyone that according to the TSP folks, beginning October 2007, we "should" use the account number on the account when accessing our TSP account via the TSP website. Looks like we STILL can use our SSN if we so desire, however, they prefer we use the account number for security reasons.
Welcome to the Board Hotwings!!! Good lick with remembering that number!!:D
My Neural Netwok System Is Telling Me
To BE ON G Fund by Tuesday October 2nd, 2007
Good Luck ! ! !
My Neural Netwok System Is Telling Me
To BE ON G Fund by Tuesday October 2nd, 2007

Good Luck ! ! !

Spooks are loose already and it
ain't even OCTOBER, YET!!!:eek:
I Tested The Neural Network System and Is Finally Performing At Its Best !!!
It predicting two days ahead Just in Time to do the Interfund Transfers Ontime I tested as far as June 2003 and the results were Outstanding !!!
It Predicts Up Trends 30%
It Predicts Down Trends 28%
It Predicts Side Trends 30%
Total Correct Predictions 88%
It is not perfect so it is Wrong 12% of the time.
Unfortunally my light software it is not capable to do any better but good enough to be amoung The Best of The Test Forcasting Tools by now...
There Is A New Kid On The Block...

New Neural Network System Is Finally Performing At Its Best !!!
It predicting two days ahead Just in Time to do the Interfund Transfers Ontime I tested as far as June 2003 and the results were Outstanding !!!
It Predicts Up Trends 30%
It Predicts Down Trends 28%
It Predicts Side Trends 30%
Total Correct Predictions 88%
It is not perfect so it is Wrong 12% of the time.
Unfortunally my light software it is not capable to do any better but good enough to be amoung The Best of The Test Forcasting Tools by now...
There Is A New Kid On The Block... :)
Have a Great Profitable Ride
G Fund for Tuesday October 2nd, 2007

New Neural Network System Is Finally Performing At Its Best !!!
It predicting two days ahead Just in Time to do the Interfund Transfers Ontime I tested as far as June 2003 and the results were Outstanding !!!
It Predicts Up Trends 30%
It Predicts Down Trends 28%
It Predicts Side Trends 30%
Total Correct Predictions 88%
It is not perfect so it is Wrong 12% of the time.
Unfortunally my light software it is not capable to do any better but good enough to be amoung The Best of The Test Forcasting Tools by now...
There Is A New Kid On The Block... :)
Have a Great Profitable Ride
G Fund for Tuesday October 2nd, 2007

ok, OK, ekittung... I see you have that magic 25 posts now...post it on the tracker and we'll all be able to watch it work it's magic! Good Luck to ya...:D
Can I pay for the Ebbtracker system using Canadian dollars?

Do you paypal?

When the site is up, it will take credit cards and paypal.

Since canadian dollar is just about par these days, it should be no big deal. I don't kno wif paypal does canadian accounts, and/or what the exchange rate is. We'll toss that question up the chain and see if we can get you an official answer shortly.
Question for Ebb,
I am a recent new member and I signed up for access to the Ebbtracker this morning. I paid with a credit card for a year's subscription but I did not get any confirmation of payment. I can't access it in the members area. I do not want to pay twice. The site was giving me trouble all morning and took me 30 minutes to finally get to the sign up area with paypal or a credit card......Any ideas?
Welcome to the Message Board zzzgator, they are having problems with the programing and will probably be up in the near future. I wouldn't resubmit, the service is still free for today.:D
Question for Ebb,
I am a recent new member and I signed up for access to the Ebbtracker this morning. I paid with a credit card for a year's subscription but I did not get any confirmation of payment. I can't access it in the members area. I do not want to pay twice. The site was giving me trouble all morning and took me 30 minutes to finally get to the sign up area with paypal or a credit card......Any ideas?

I went ahead and paid for a single month and was able to access it right away after paying. I created an account here https://www.tsptalk.com/members/ and was able to check out the system after loging on.

You need to scroll down below the menu after you log on. Click on the link next to "click to view".
Welcome to the Message Board zzzgator, they are having problems with the programing and will probably be up in the near future. I wouldn't resubmit, the service is still free for today.:D

Free username/password no longer works!!
Tom mentioned something about that in his update post ... apparently someone used the free username / password and then went in and changed the password. Guess they didnt realize it was a public account.
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