I'm not one to write a blog or even have the ideas that others can say so eloquently, but I thought that I'd put these thoughts down and see if Tom thinks it quailifies, quality wise as potential blog material.
If not, no big deal, it'll be just the ramblings of an old dinosaur that just worries about the direction our country is going and what kind of life our children and granchildren will have.
"A Touch of Reality and the American Dream"
Why all the optimism by the press that the stock rebound is just around the corner? From where I’m sitting, the psyche of the American people has taken a major blow to its confidence. I know growing up as a kid, most of us, were taught that if you went to college and worked hard, then you’d be able to retire and enjoy your golden years. Well that dream has been shattered, and regardless of how we got here, we’ve arrived anyway.
With the GDP, being driven by the consumer at the rate of 60% to 70%, I fail to see why there is so much optimism. We, the consumer, have seen our retirement and other investments take a beat down and until the American people are able to repair the damage, the economy will continue to stagnate. Will the infrastructure stimulus package help. Probably a little, but I think it’ll take to long to get into the system. We must do it ourselves and hopefully the Government will not be an impediment to that good old fashion American work ethic.
We are a great country, that’s why everyone wants to come here. Why are we great? We are an optimistic people. This is the country, where a person’s dream and hard work, can turn him into a success. That’s why we are an optimistic people, but until we rebuild our financial future, reality’s ugly head will be facing us eye to eye.
We will come through this, as we’ve come through other tough times. We’ll be a different country, but hopefully still a democracy. Hopefully, our Government is up to the challenge to rebuilding the psyche and confidence of the American people without destroying that dream that made America great.