Christmas Is Coming !

Okay - everyone search your archives, and your neighbors' and your distant relatives' ! :)
Look for: the animated Christmas card put out maybe 8-10 years ago -
It starts with a tiny speck in the distance. As it draws nearer, winding zig-zaggedy, you can see it is red. And it is a ball. It is coming fast & furious. When it hits your monitor screen you see & hear, with a Very Loud thump of course, Santa spread-eagle smashed, on your screen....
eyeball to eyeball, so's to speak.
It is startlingly hilarious - but over the years of computer crashes, new computers, lightening strikes, grandma's flying fingers, it has gotten lost. My DON's secretary gave it me - & I can't find her name in these aluminum coils behind my eyes !!! And to think the opthamologist told me two weeks ago he was looking in my brain & my eyes were the health of a 20 year old....didn't say anything about the pathways resembling Pilgrim's Progress !!!!:laugh:
Buster, are there certain number sequences that won't subtract to come out to the boxes? When I do it `backwards' I can win...
and the boxes change each time I redo...
it is fun!
Grandma -- I love you in a way that would be impossible for you to be awkward about -- or put you on guard -- or be offensive.

This is really highly beautiful -- quality stuff -- Thank You !!