I don't see anything that states I must call to make a change to my monthly installment. if you can tell me the page I would appreciate it.
Also, on Page 4 of the booklet it states: After your installments are set up, you can make changes to them at any time by using one of theThriftLine options listed at the beginning of this booklet. all I see is contact information which we all know sucks.
This seems like a make step backwards as once you sent in your notorized documents in the old site you didn't have to call anyone
This whole thing is a con. Millions spent and many promises made about how the new and improved website would make out lives easier, but in reality it is the same or worse.
By the way, as for calling the TSP line and expecting to get results, the last time I called I told them that for some reason my spouse is not listed in my profile despite the fact that under the old system she was listed and even signed the notarized form to initiate installment payments. I informed them that the edit tool did not allow me to enter her name. I was told they would look into it. That was three weeks ago. As of today…
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[TD="class: al-w3-16 al-480-w100 al-320-w100 al-float-none"][h=3]Spouse[/h][/TD]
[TD="class: al-w3-8 al-480-w100 al-320-w100"]-Not on File-
Contact your Agency to update this information.