burrocrat's Account Talk

today i got to take a nap, an hour, all by myself, but i had this terrible dream. i was surrounded by beautiful mermaids, all bobbing to and fro, but i couldn't figure out what to do with the tails, they just kept slapping me. it was so frustrating.

HAHAHAHA this made my night! thanks!
time's a wastin'. 20 minutes to go before poop or get off the pot. i think i'm going all in for the monday ppt push and tuesday's sorry honey can i get you a towel pull out. then let it burn. these are the times that try men's souls.
<<< burrocrat -- all in. what you got? >>>

Pfft, I rode it down that nice slide.... whats up now! now lets see what happens monday...
hoooweee, quiet around here tonight.

did some folks get their hat handed to them by the market this week, or is everybody just chewing fingernails until monday and cursing volatility?

i figure there's roughly a 49% chance i make some money and a 49% chance i lose some money with a 2% chance i break even on monday.

odds don't get much better than that.
well, that was not at all what i had in mind when i bought in on friday. almost twice the gains it took half a year in G to build, all down the tube in one day. looks like i'm in it for the long haul now. i hope this isn't another 2009 because it would be small consolation to only have missed the first 6% of the crash.
well, that was not at all what i had in mind when i bought in on friday. almost twice the gains it took half a year in G to build, all down the tube in one day. looks like i'm in it for the long haul now. i hope this isn't another 2009 because it would be small consolation to only have missed the first 6% of the crash.

I feel your pain burrocrat. I did the same thing, thinking I was buying the dip and setting myself up for some nice profits...Oh well, the market giveth and the market taketh away.:(
monday at 7:29a i was up 0.71%, yesterday i was down -0.50%, and today at 4:01p i'm back to up 0.51% on the year. i 'm so glad vix is back i missed him the first half of the year. this being in the market is way more fun than coolin it i G. i wonder what tomorrow brings? i hope it's a crapload of money.
+0.7 to -0.5 to +0.5 to +1.4, oh yeah doubled my original buy in!

obviously i got in a day too early, i hope i don't get out a day too late.
Oh boy, just when upside potential now substantially outweighs downside risk. The bear case is crowded, the bull case is not.
Oh boy, just when upside potential now substantially outweighs downside risk. The bear case is crowded, the bull case is not.



Possible QE Tapering (market weaning off the cheap money drug)

GDP - 1.8%
well, i had 0.7 and now i have 2.3 so i trippled my gains. but the accounting confuses me. did i get a 3 bagger because i now have three 0.7's? or did i get a 2 bagger because i now have two more 0.7's than i started with?

i'm 31st on the monthly tracker so if we get a 2% sell off today and everybody above me is in S, then i win free tsptalk swag. if i had shot my buy in one day later i would be sippin sweet nectar of the gods from a new mug for sure.

oh well, can't win them all.
burro...my father left me when I was born...received a letter from the bastard somehow a few years ago...read it and filed it away...anyway... when I became a father 7 years ago I vowed to be different...I think I have been...it just seems that things are out of my hands...i want to see my son everyday...but alas I cannot...my family wonders why I am feeling down...I say i am down because i can't see my son...the same people tell me I can't see my son because i am feeling down...
sorry to bug you...it's talking to you or watching the o'jackass factor, or the next oj trial on deadline news, or my feline assaulting the fish tank...she hides when i pull off the headcover now...I forgot what I was trying to say...i know you keep batman hours
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thank you lord and I don't mean to complain, but i just realized it sucks to have vision without capital.

on the other hand, if I had capital I wouldn't need vision now would i? i wonder it's that way on purpose.
And how do you get capital - you earn it and save it. Then you invest it to make more of it - nothing difficult about that. But it does help to have vision. And how do you get vision - you study and learn - that requires work and a life time of experience. But once you have vision you need courage to follow through and that's where many fall off the tracks. Being pusillanimous in this market environment is not a strategy it leads to somnolence and no gains.