burrocrat's Account Talk

does anybody else on here watch lizard lick towing on trutv? that is my second most favorite show after ncis. i'm going to get one of those dvr's though because i can't hardly stay up till 10 on a monday night anymore and when i do i'm almost late for work on tuesdays. i wish they would just choke them suckers out right at the start and then take their car instead of getting lit on fire or drug through the trailer park first. seems like they would be more effective that way. and somebody needs to tell that amy to quit being so demanding all the time, c'mon honey them boys is working hard enough already.
does anybody else on here watch lizard lick towing on trutv? that is my second most favorite show after ncis. i'm going to get one of those dvr's though because i can't hardly stay up till 10 on a monday night anymore and when i do i'm almost late for work on tuesdays. i wish they would just choke them suckers out right at the start and then take their car instead of getting lit on fire or drug through the trailer park first. seems like they would be more effective that way. and somebody needs to tell that amy to quit being so demanding all the time, c'mon honey them boys is working hard enough already.
I always said being a Policeman was the worst job in the world but now I think working for them is number one worst JOB!
so it's tax time, the time of year i like to take stock of resources and evaluate plans for the future, and i have a confession to make.

i don't know if this whole faith and credit thing is such a good idea after all. they reclaim at least 10% of their money they salaried me to fund medicare and social security. hell, that's more than i pay god, only i know he's got my back, the others not so much.

so looking at my retirement future and being an aware investor with an eye towards diversity, i just realized my 3-legged stool is really a one egg basket.

first of all, every dollar i hope to have at my disposal in my golden years must be borrowed by the federal government and then transferred to me. they get the dollars by borrowing them from a privately owned bank called, of all things, the federal reserve. tricky. so if they want $100 they call up helicopter ben and he gives them a note that represents the debt now owed to 'property of the federal reserve'. then they give it to me and i feel rich because now i have cash that's good as gold.

but here's what really happened: in order to get that $100 the government promised to pay ben back $105 (principal plus interest). even if they stopped right there and paid the $100 back we'd be bankrupt because we still owe $5 interest. and the only way to get legal tender is to borrow it from the federal reserve. so we borrow another $100 and pay them back the $5 we owe them from the last $100 we borrowed and we save another $5 to pay them back the new $100 we borrowed, and then we invest the remaining $90 in our future. nawww just kidding, we blow it all on cars and food and cell phones. and then we're broke so we borrow another $100 from uncle ben because this party never stops.

which is all good you see and it's been going on since 1913 to the tune of $17 trillion plus unfunded liabilities, but at some point the devil will want his due. no need to worry though, it should be easy to spot and jump off the ride before being consumed and left destitute.

first they'll probably raid any cash on hand like our tsp to fund the short term gap. then they'll probably try reduce pay and benefits and promised pension obligations. as a last resort they may start to talk about different ways to measure inflation and reducing social security and medicare entitlements. so we should have plenty of time to see it coming.

back to the one-egged basket. if the same entity that borrows your savings to pay yesterday's bills and can't afford to cut your retirement check then what makes you think they'll be able to dole out the social security benefit? then what are we supposed to eat? so much for diversification.

don't worry though, it's all backed by our faith and credit. nobody is going to sieze the collateral. what would they do with it anyway? they'd have to hire a whole country's worth of labor to cut the trees and mine the gold and drill the oil, and they've already got that. we are the collateral. and it's more valuable to keep us working to service the debt (interest payments) than it is to reposses our asset.

have you ever played monopoly and felt so bad for your oppenents that you allowed them to mortgage their property for less than it was truly worth just to keep the game going another round even though you knew in the end you owned their ass? who knows, maybe we'll pass go and make a great comeback.

forget the faith and credit crap, it's all blood sweat and tears now baby. there is not enough money in the world to pay back our debt. born into slavery. get used to it. sure, maybe if you work hard enough you can have a nicer car or home in the suburbs and afford your medication/hobbies, but you will pay in the end.

same as it ever was. just with democracy trappings this time. all financed by the benevolence of the fiat. here's your gruel. and may i push your stool in sir?
omg, i'm swearing off the google thingy for sure now. all i did was search for tactical daypacks on camp-mor, i promise. then there was this special on exo give and go lacy low underwear and it sounded neat so i clicked on it and now all i get is pop ups for survival panties. some gal apparently wore them for a six week jungle expedition and they didn't ride up plus they dry quickly in humid conditions.

this interweb is too fast for me i think.
oh yeah, another 7-9% and i may get back in. we still got korea/iran, euro insolvency, u.s. revenue issues, and it's been a while since we've had a devastating weather event to deal with.

gravity is my friend here, roll baby roll.
i have a dream, lately. it's this recurring dream and it won't go away.

so i'm walking across the plaza with my coworkers and there's this mime. no ****, a mime. i hate those things, all pouty mouth and puffy face all the time, they creep me out. and he keeps motioning to me like it needs help or something, and i don't want to be rude or embarass myself in front of my friends but they're all oh that poor thing. so i reach my hand out and he pulls me in and gives me this big hug and i can't get away and it whispers in my ear, whispers! they're not supposed to do that! and he says 'great, now we're both stuck in the box.' oh man it gives me the heebie jeebies. i don't know what it means.

but i'm pretty sure the market is going to tank some more tomorrow.
we got the downward trajectory building and if we can just get another 3-5% off sale prices i'm gonna get back in. i'd prefer to see it -1.5% on day one and another -2.5%+ on day three, but i'll take it anyway i can get it, almost time to dance. hey mama, rock me.

i got to thinking about the chained cpi and plus i should improve my diet and i got three words for you... rotisserie chicken!

it's the hot ticket. i bought one of those countertop ovens for $40 at walmart and it comes with this skewer contraption and whole chickens only cost about $4. I got some of the montreal chicken rub for a few bucks and that's all it takes. i put half a bag of stovetop stuffing in it and heat up a can of corn and a bit of stale bread and i'm in the berries with leftovers the next day for under $10. tying the whole thing up and then watching it go around for a couple hours is my new hobby. and it smells delicious too. the thing comes out juicy and the skin is the best part, decadent. i peel it of and eat it first like a man dying of thirst at an oasis. mmm, mmmm. i never liked chicken since i was ten years old because every year i watched my aunt nancy take $50 from my grandma's purse and only buy $30 worth of buckets at kfc for the familiy reunion and pocket the change. but tearing the little bird limb from limb has an appeal all its own i've found. i like to pretend the oven is a campfire and it's a squirrel sometimes, practicing for the hard times coming. you should really try it. i bet you can't do it without smacking your lips and grunting.
or you can go to Sams Club and buy 1 for $4.00 bucks, thats whats for dinner tonight... i know its not as fun as watching it in the roaster, but its quick heehee:)
this market is relentless. it's almost as much fun watching it as i imagine it would be if i was in it. big ben's economic porn show, and he never seems to get tired, just up up up.
whew, i'm glad i ain't a big bull been swingin' my nuts 'round this pasture 'cause today it looks like they may get cracked, hard.

my stomach hurts just watchin' it.
whew, i'm glad i ain't a big bull been swingin' my nuts 'round this pasture 'cause today it looks like they may get cracked, hard.

my stomach hurts just watchin' it.
Haha! This is one of those days where your balls contract into your body cavity and you get a bad case of the neck sweats. I shouldn't laugh too hard though. I've been in the F'd Fund for the last couple weeks. I wonder how that will do today.
kuh rap, that wasn't even a tickle let alone a slap. do it again. c'mon honey one time, give me a spot to buy in.
Burro - help, please. I apparently have totally forgotten how to enter mug shots. There are two from over a week ago that I thought I had finally gotten entered today, but they ain't there ! :o
We are heading down into southeast Texas today, and The Mug may just find a photogenic spot.... :D
Thank you much....
you go to the mugshots media area and make a new upload then add the file from your computer or phone. you can add multiple files to make a slide show when it asks you what you want to do next. once you hit the done button then you are done.

files that don't upload you do that are usually because they are too large/resolution. you have to resize them to about 50 kb .jpg or less in a basic graphica program. all computers have them try windows picture and fax viewer 'save as'.

i haven't got out much lately and there is a temporary difficulty crossing state lines without prior approval, which i prefer not to explain.

happy trails!
today i got to take a nap, an hour, all by myself, but i had this terrible dream. i was surrounded by beautiful mermaids, all bobbing to and fro, but i couldn't figure out what to do with the tails, they just kept slapping me. it was so frustrating.