alevin's account talk

Wow Steady, I think I'd rather curl up with a good book and a good fire with kitten purring next to me patting at the ball of yarn I'm trying to turn into a first-ever pair of socks. That'd be my preference.
Wow Steady, I think I'd rather curl up with a good book and a good fire with kitten purring next to me patting at the ball of yarn I'm trying to turn into a first-ever pair of socks. That'd be my preference.

Alevie :o I am sooo sorry - I absolutely promise I did not mean it the way it sounded.... :sick:

I meant this totally as a 'Psychology Experiment' dear friend .... really

My guess is that any person taken to a room -- forgive me -- and let me start at the beginning....

An orderly ... receptionist ...or someone takes you to the room (and here I mean anyone)

...and is told "No one else can enter this room, if you feel you have to leave push this button --- otherwise when the doctor is available you will notified. An emergeny just occured and we anticapate a good hour'.

Gosh -- I'm such an idiot for NOT elaborating this -- REALLY

OK -- I hope that helps ... and in the room can be a comfortable chair to curl up and read a book....

Based wholly on my research -- into the brain -- memory especially

I have to believe if we could 'stage' emotionally charged events are various peek holes ... a person would quickly learn which ones are benign and which are 'gripping' based on high emotional impact.

I don't mean this bad -- and I only shared this with you because it felt like a 'wow' -- 'of course' moment.

Anyway --- it may not be as readily agreed upon as I expected.

Welll -- do have a wonderful weekend
Steady, I only know that I avoid refreshing my memory of what I saw on TV the day of 9/11, by avoiding looking at film clips or photos. It's ingrained in my memory forever, but I don't want to keep it fresh in mind and endocrine system. Now I know desensitization is a beneficial technique that works to remove traumatic impact of some kinds of memories, but for others, I suspect it just adds to the traumatization-hardly addictive either way. But I'm sure you weren't thinking of those kinds of emotionally charged scenes.

Anyway, I hate getting left in a room by myself at the doctor's for any length of time. Ithink it's rude. I'd rather stay out in the waiting room til he's ready to see me.
I think we are on 2 completely different wavelengths - and that is largely unavoidable - it is something that will never change and I'm good with that -- but I'm NEVER good with the thought of offending you or hurting you in some manner and I regret I brought this up.

I thought it was HUGE when the idea came to me and I simply imagined a room with numerous portals to peer through.

Watching 2 sisters - with one combing and doing the other's hair.
A young child with a small abrasion and a mother's kiss and care
Someone angry picking up a knife
Someone throwing and breaking various objects
The list can go on indefinately....... long as it is 'emotionally charged'.......

That would draw a person's attention more than anything else... and there is nothing that would more draw their attention than to 'believe' they are watching a live moment by moment 'unscripted view'.

I was afraid -- and concerned you initially thought somethiing else...

I thought of it wholly as an experiment -- but had not thought how to set it up. The example I gave you was 'off the top'. My point was the more the person (whoever he or she was) was unaware everything was being tested and recorded the more it would prove my theory.

I'm sorry Alevie -- was going here and there to give the most random thoughts imaginable --- mainly to touch base with special friends.

That's the main thing -- the ones most special to me are the ones I stopped by to say hi and have a good weekend.

I goofed on this one -- but maybe next time.
To all my good friends here-Steady, Maggie, SB, Frixxxx, all the rest, have a wooonderful new year. I'm getting back on the train this year in my tsp account.

Humility-how the mighty can fall-here I was in the top 10 early last year, and by yearend I fall into Birch's lowly 400 category-from lack of conviction.:p

It's all good, I'm not still playing catchup from 08, like some here, never had anything to catchup since I was out then too.:)

So this is the year I work the SS, missed the signal last week, piling in today, a day late, but I hope not more than a few cents short. We shall see what we shall see.
Wow !! I'm humbled ~~ I really am...

I was stopping by to dip a toe in the water -- and let you know I hope this is the Best year of your life.

Thank You !!

all the more I mean that Alevie -- I hope this is the BEST YEAR ever !!
thank you Steady, right now I feel like I'm trying to pick up dimes in front of dozers-I didn't make the deadline monday, so ended up going in yesterday 70S/30I-even tho the original plan was 100%S. Tracker says I went in Monday-did that from home before going into work and doing the real buy. can't make tracker changes using work computer, oh well.

so right now I'm still ahead by a nose in real account.

The weekly DeMark counts say we have another few weeks to go sideways/up before taking a hard turn down. Hope they're right. I'm using that method to cut myself slack about not getting in on the SS signal last Friday.
thank you Steady

so right now I'm still ahead by a nose in real account.

Thank you for listing me first. Alevie there are few things in life that could ever compare to 'good friends'. The ones you noted are like 100% Heart and incredibly deep -- no one is going to do you better -- none could know you better or appreciate you more.

I try not to think about my account and it honestly feels 'good' not being on the Tracker. I have a general sense of things but don't let the day to day phase me anymore. Since you mentioned it though - I also but everything in S/I - at 50/50.

Well --- I'm heading out --- goodnight
nice showing on the tracker alevin, 100S, way to keep them sticky pants on.

i'm getting a bit nervous myself, thinking about pulling it out before i lose it.
The weekly DeMark counts say we have another few weeks to go sideways/up before taking a hard turn down. Hope they're right. I'm using that method to cut myself slack about not getting in on the SS signal last Friday. So this is the year I work the SS, missed the signal last week, piling in today, a day late, but I hope not more than a few cents short. We shall see what we shall see.

Well here I am, with sticky pants mighty uncomfortable at this point, but the SS says sit tight. Ughhh, as Boghie would say.

I'm using DeMark indicators to help me hang tough for another week or so but no longer. Here's the latest on that....not my interp but someone who sees the same thing I noted above in my earlier comment.

DeMark’s Sequential and Combo indicators are used by many of the largest hedge funds in the world and are currently generating their first sell signal since 2007. Demark told Bloomberg that the decline could be “pretty sharp” and “I’m pretty confident that in one to two weeks, the market will be in a descent.”
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That Tom Demark call for the S&P to start a 10%+ decline in 1-2 weeks didn't happen. 2 week point was yesterday. Just adding this note, for future pondering. Maybe he was a little ahead of himself by a week or so?
noted, LD. my frustation yhis past year. i can see demark patterns eveywhere going back 30 yrs, and can see them clearly from march 09 onward-unfortunately i didnt know about demark for months and months after 3/09 and it hasnt been playing well in past few months for the basic patte5rns i have ingrained to recognize. there are other subtle patterns i still need to study and learn that may help. dor now i need to relax and trust sentiment survey a little more. i bailed on S when the weekly indicator did sell flip, havent gotten back in yet. waiting for other predicted mid-late feb projected downturns to materialize or not (other systems i'm reading)-vs ongoing SS buy signal. I may load up on C/I and some S when i go back in.

demark system does not fit RUT well t this point, fits spx much better. I knew that but took eye off ball, should have watched spx-sell flip didnt happen there when it hit $emw.
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Goodmorning little sister,

The MARKETS can often fool even the best - can be sometimes tricky and confusing.

Today -- for instance -- they are NOT falling...

In reality it is like a slingshot being pulled back :D

The further it's pulled back -- the better for all concerned.

Your big brother,

Yep big brother, waiting to see what ss tells us for next week before i wade back in for another go.
nice sticky pants there girl, how did you find room to put the balls to hold 100% S all of january in them?
noted, LD (re market ignoring deMark sell signal). i bailed on S when the weekly indicator did sell flip, havent gotten back in yet. waiting for other predicted mid-late feb projected downturns to materialize or not (other systems i'm reading)-vs ongoing SS buy signal. I may load up on C/I and some S when i go back in.

demark system does not fit RUT well t this point, fits spx much better. I knew that but took eye off ball

burro, i have nothing that clanks among my body parts.:laugh: i planned to wade back in on the fresh buy signal on friday but missed the deadline, darn it. so now i'm going to do another wait and see for the coming weeks SS signal, considering other systems have been predicting this week or next to be week of potential downturn. name of my game at this point is don't lose money.
If you had surgery recently -- I hope it went well and that it turns out super fantastic.

Sorry for not paying better attention.

Anyway make sure you tell them your Orthopedic Surgeon brother has gone over and over about your need for Occupational Therapy (which should be a little up from Physical Therapy).
Haven't been around much lately, big brother, didnt notice you'd dropped by, sorry. No need to apologize, you've been quite preoccupied with bigger and much more important matters than my trials and tribs with broken main arm. cast and pins here to stay for weeks yet occ. therapy will come in due time. thanks for stopping by.
Haven't been around much lately, big brother, didnt notice you'd dropped by, sorry. No need to apologize, you've been quite preoccupied with bigger and much more important matters than my trials and tribs with broken main arm. cast and pins here to stay for weeks yet occ. therapy will come in due time. thanks for stopping by.

Hey listen Baby Scoots :embarrest:

There is 'nothing' about my life that supercedes something as huge as you breaking your arm. My 'mattters' in no way would ever 'Trump' your trials and tribs ----

-- my gosh -- with pins and all -- WOW !!!

PLEASE!!! Let me know when something like this happens.

Please PM me the details -- how much pain you're in and what to expect and all.
