alevin's account talk

Hee hee, never a dull moment around here. 8th driest winter on record, wettest May on record (w/threats of flooding in the local area per NOAA-but didn't happen-2 weeks ago), NOW we got cougars back in the neighborhood.

Scrape with clawmarks in mud from several days ago in the neighbors back yard right next door (think kitty litter box only drying mud and big paws), now I hear the government hunter just went down our dead end street past my house yesterday with 2 recent kills in the back of the truck-so somebody further in on my street must have also detected sign in their part of the neighborhood.

7 lions been taken this spring within 5 miles of our town boundary, one within the town boundary-other side of town. I live just outside town limits on a long deadend road through a residential neighborhood. I don't have pets since Christmas before last. other neighbors will have to stay with their dogs or cats when the dogs/cats are outside, no walking up and down the street at dusk or dawn, parents don't let your kids play outside without you being there (neighbor across the street is LDS-3 young kids).

Believe it or not, I really DO like my that there's no meth addict or drug dealers living in the adjacent rentals anymore. :nuts:

Gonna get the new roof on tomorrow finally-IF it doesn't rain (it rained some today but he wasn't planning on coming til tomorrow anyway). We'll see. I'm hoping.
Looks like the new roof may not be happening today-heavy rainy-looking cloud cover so far. will know in a couple hours what the roofers plans are for the day. so that'll have to wait.

Here's the new dad (oldest nephew-only one of marriageable age), my first great-niece, step-great-nephews. great pic, eh? Nephew is 6'10. His father was 6"8, died at age 25 of unsuspected heart condition when the nephew was 2 yrs old (Pete Maravich the basketball player died of the same condition).

Nephew is now 28 and grew up with the same heart condition (diagnosed after his father died). Nephew is finally out of danger of going the same way (so the doctors say-as of last year). So he gets to live to be the dad his father never got much chance to be. A true miracle and blessing for our family.

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will take the other requests under advisement. :)
That's a good looking group, you have to be proud!!:D

Yes, Alevin! that is a fine looking family; especially when the dad's history is revealed! You are a fortunate group of folks!

And, as for post #516:
And besides, I'm still a youngster compared to some. There's them that's older'n dirt and already retired-like Birch! I've got a far piece to go yet before I get to that stage. :D

I will add this: Watch your tongue young lady, if you Please! :D
Per the chart I last posted here (above), looks like this week will end as week 6 of 9 down according to DeMark prognosticating system.

Today on daily charts looks like it will be day 5 of 13 down/sideways, following 9 down (9-down uses different DeMark method than the follow-on 13-count).

Just sayin'.

Update on DeMark market tells. The weekly 9-count down did not complete (made it to 6-down), however a fresh 9-count down signal started as of last week.

Meanwhile, in the dailies, we're on 10 of 13 in the sideways/down 13-count phase that often follows a completed 9-count down. Once we get to 13, I'll be looking for a trend-change signal to suggest its time to go in again (short-term). Until it shows up, I'll be staying out out out.

would like to see the weekly signal change back to up again also, but if it doesn't, any move I make based on daily signal will be quite short-term.
a fresh weekly DeMark indicator 9-count down signal started as of last week.
beginning to look like this will be week 2.

Meanwhile, in the dailies, we're on 13 of 13 in the sideways/down 13-count phase that often follows a completed 9-count down.

I studied my DeMark indicator book last night, since there is also (as of today-looks like), a second 9-down count completing, within the 13-count that is completing. That suggests that the 13-count (down/sideways) will be starting over before there comes another DeMark trend-change buy signal.

Once we get to completion of the second 13, I'll be looking for a DeMark trend-change signal to suggest its time to go in again. Until it shows up, I'll be staying out out out.

BTW, the next support level on weekly DeMark indicators, is around 880
It's pretty cool - when I left work to go home yesterday I was feeling on top of the world - full of life and happy, contented and fulfilled.

We've got the most beautiful squirrels on our grounds but they are wild and no one ever feeds them or anything. Well, so I'm walking carelessly and peacefully across the lawn and I'm so amazed at how close I got to the squirrel before I stopped to let her know I was there.

So I reguarded her exactly as if I were talking to Ella and had the exact same life and joy and ease and all like I'm talking to her. Spoke outloud with the exact same expressions and looked at her like we were soulmates and just kept talking.

So she looks up -- :nuts: -- but doesn't run. Instead she made a half circle around me staying like 3 feet from me -- and I just kept standing there and talking to her like we're made for each other.

So then she looks up and starts walking in towards me.

Well that kind of flipped me out :worried: and seriously made me nervous. So I walked away and kept walking.

But it's amazing how this little squirrel wound up 'scareing me off' instead of the other way around.

Only time that's ever happened.

Well --- Goodnight
Thanks for dropping in Steady. I have squirrels in my back yard, my disabled vet neighbor Larry has one of them tamed enough to come right up to him. Of course, he is home all day, lots of time for the squirrel and him to get used to not being scared of each other.
I have holes and scars from Vietnam. I also have a bite scar on the underside of one of my fingers I received when I was ten from a chipmunk. I shot him out of a tree with my BB gun and only stunned him - I picked him up and was headed home with him when he woke up. I guess I deserved that one.
I finally began putting in 15% this year, first time ever, but didn't start at beginning of the year due to cap investment needs on the house. Yesterday I figured out how much I need to put in per pp, to put in the full 15%. double what I've been putting in lately. yeowch. I did it tho. figuring out now where the cuts in the budget need to come from. I may have to sacrifice the $ I was starting to save towards a replacement for the 15 year old p/u.

Guess I could borrow it back from myself later on if I need to. The heating bills should be lower this coming winter tho, now that I got all insulated up to code everywhere-I guess some of those budgetted savings can go into the account for the vehicle replacement now.

New contribs still going to G.
I finally began putting in 15% this year, first time ever

That's wonderful Alevie --- 15% with the matching 5% is 20%

Just 1% less than me.

Guess I could borrow it back from myself later on if I need to.

Gosh :(:rolleyes: you gotta be kidding me.

If you 'need' to - just ask me or Birch. I mean we've got so much it's hard to even make a dent in it. Plus what in the world do you think 'Big Brothers are for'.

WOW!! I never even thought about you....:nuts:... this could really be fun.

Would you consider making a big scene at ...say ...Annual NAACP meeting?

Driving with a Licence Plate -- custom ordered by one of us?

Well ... I'll think of some things... so you won't have to pay me back.

Well good night all :laugh:
steady Steady. You know I don't like making big scenes :embarrest: besides, you and Birch have such different ideas what to put on a licence plate, not sure what I'd end up with. Might say something like "Pink Floyd Tambourines for sale" or something attention-getting like that, not my style.:toung:
Time for me to post some of what I'm seeing in the charts. Was going to do this over the weekend but didn't get there. JTH posted some quarterly info, here's mine (quarterly chart back to about 1965). wish I could figure out how to make the image bigger, but can't. Where's KevinD when I need him?

It still shows what I want it to show tho.

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Notice the DMI (black line-middle indicator chart) is nearly dropped to below 20-ie extremely weak trend. and that it's in whipsaw territory (between brown and blue lines and between 20-40 in the range, like it was in the late 70s for several years. Brown over blue means downtrend occurring-as if we didn't already know.

Also notice the oversold indicator on the slo-sto is bumped up against 80 and turning down. Not a good sign for an intermediate-trend buyer.

and notice the RSI bumped 50 from below and turned back down-ie we're still in a recession/depression. Even back in the early 70's stagflation they touched below 50 and popped back up and over 50, we haven't even made it that far yet.:worried:

Got a DeMark weekly chart to show too. Just haven't done any interp on it yet. maybe tonight, no hurry from what I'm seeing.
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I have a program that I use that came with an old digital camera. It's called ACDsee. I took what you had and made it a little bigger but the quality falls off when you do that.

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Thanks, Kev! I knew you'd find a way if you saw the need. It makes what I was trying to point out on the charts a little easier. :)