alevin's account talk

CB, is the new roof an energy credit? I'm just going for leakproof.

My wife said the new roof was only on 2009 and our roofing contractor said the same thing, so that's why we got it.

But sometimes states will have an additional credit. If we'd got our AC last year, we would've got a state and Fed credit, but now will only get a Fed credit for the AC. So, hopefully, your state may have something for your roof.
back in 1996 I had solar tubes put in the two inside rooms that don't have windows. It took me a long time to not automatically reach up to `turn off the light' when leaving the rooms!! One got into a state of disarray when the new roof was put on, but easily, well, fairly easily, put back together when the roof was finished.....
The Solar Tube folks themselves did the installing. I love them, & would like to eventually get a couple more for the two (short but darkish) hallways. But, big problem, expense wise, is the slant of the roof.... :worried:
back in 1996 I had solar tubes put in the two inside rooms that don't have windows. It took me a long time to not automatically reach up to `turn off the light' when leaving the rooms!! One got into a state of disarray when the new roof was put on, but easily, well, fairly easily, put back together when the roof was finished.....
The Solar Tube folks themselves did the installing. I love them, & would like to eventually get a couple more for the two (short but darkish) hallways. But, big problem, expense wise, is the slant of the roof.... :worried:

Grandma, Read a "This Old House" article year or so ago about a three story house built in the 1880's where the owner used solar tubes and mirrors to bring light to all three levels. Remember thinking how cool! Kept the original look of the house with new technology. :)
Congratulations on the new roof! I know it's been on your wish list for a long time. I had to google "solar tubes" so thanks for the learning experience. ;)

And energy tax credits are wonderful, aren't they. We tripled the insulation under our roof, after tax credit it cost less than a hundred bucks, and we'll make that back in 3 months of air conditioning savings.:)
Talking about hiring 2-3 new staff to help the dedicated couple who manage one of the most magical places I've been, including a new advertising/fundraiser position.

Alevie, I wish like anything that some of my thoughts were so deeply Universal that every person honestly knew it through and through.

1. The Earth itself is Priceless and should always be regarded in the most sacred manner. We can live here without distroying it.

2. That animals are pure and innocent and we are meant to have bonds with them ~ that we can only learn from them to better interact with everything.

Well, I read somewhere the past few days, that people are starting to open their checkbooks for necessary big-ticket home maintenance again after sitting tight for a year or more.

My car of 205,000 miles is still getting just over 32 MPG.

We are planning to replace our Deck this year -- with a combination of wood/plastic ~~ that requires no maintainence.

Yes it's expensive ~ but sometimes it's nice to be able to do those kind of things and I'm thinking ~~ prices should be better than usual.

Well good night all -- and your place always feels good !!

It's been awhile :)
well, here I am, sittin' on a stump-or is that 'up a stump"? :embarrest:

Dadgum it, I knew I shoulda bailed days ago. woulda, coulda, shoulda. If I had, I'd still be on the positive side of zero.

As it is, I actually bailed last Thursday in the real account, but was at work Wednesday pm when I made the decision as a last-minute decision before going out of town for the next 2 days. I can't log into the AT from work computer so didn't get the change recorded before I had to blow the popstand, didn't get a message sent to EW or Ocean or whoever handles that situation these days.

Dang, I did so good in 08, didn't lose a dime. This time around I'm subzero by about 0.3% in the real account (excluding new contribs), considering todays drop of .21 or something that doesn't apply to the real account. so managing not to lose much , but didn't gain anything really from March 09. Was too suspicious for too long.

I'm learning. slow but sure. I did increase my contributions to 15% about a month ago-first time ever. And contribs all been going to G since 09, so I should have a fair chunk of change to throw at Mr. Market next time I see something that makes me want to do such a crazy thing. Not yet, not yet. I'm out for the month, 2d IFT squandered, I thought about doing the 1% thing, decided not to.
Well, kids and kiddies, looks like I'll have more immediate things to think about tomorrow than the market. Saturated soils, high wind warning from Weather Service regarding shallowrooted trees likely to tip over, all in addition to Significant Flood Watch between tonight and tomorrow night in my immediate area. "Significant" in NOAA-speak in reference to flooding, means damage to infrastructure and roads, and evacuations.

It was an El Nino (dry) winter, one of the driest/Warmest on record, but now we're moving into a La Nina summer (cool, wet)-with a vengeance. Had the wettest May on record too, with the pattern continuing this week. :sick:

Sure glad I bought flood insurance back in January, even tho I live (barely) above the 100-year flood zone (by about 12 inches). I almost didn't buy it-since it was predicted to be "dry winter". Nobody said anything about "La Nina" summer last fall however. :( The insurance is good til next winter, so I'm good as can be for the moment.

Wonder if I'll get to work tomorrow-the bridge across the river is in the 100yr flood zone- or if I do, whether I'll be able to get home. My street escape out of the neighborhood is also in the 100 year flood zone. I do have a good steep but climbable hillside a couple houses away, but it would be horrendously muddy to have to climb it-and get the disabled neighbor up it too-if comes to that.

Sure glad I've gotten some financial matters cleared away today, so I can take care of new stuff if need be next week. Yikes. At least I haven't gotten my garden planted yet-been too muddy. :o
Thanks Scout, we might need a bunch of those good thoughts tomorrow. the rain's supposed to start again this afternoon and continue til midnight tomorrow. Expecting 1 to 1.5 inches more. River's already out of banks and still rising today.
Ah Steady, I'm probably more worried than I need to be. I looked at the river tonight as I crossed the bridge home. the river is still several feet below bridge level, and the rain is only a light mist at the moment. The winds should kick up to 45, with gusts up to 60 between midnight tonight and midnight tomorrow, but we've been there with the winds before-just not with such soggy soils as we have right now.

I'm a 1/4 mile from the river across several fields so it would take a lot of water to get to my house, I just worry about being able to get in and out of the neighborhood since the exit is close to the bridge. But I'm a mile from the bridge too.

As our hydrologist remarked tonight-if this system had been coming last month when there was still 5ft of snow in the mountains (rain on snow is a bad bad deal-I've lived through the aftermath of those kinds of June storms before), we'd have a lot more to worry about. I did buy a big candle and extra battery for my phone, and know where my flashlights and matches are located if the power goes out after dark sometime in the next 24 hours.

Hey, Northern Virginia summer T-storms and hurricane weather was worse when I was growing up than what we get most of the time here, you know? so it'll probably be just a mess but not totally awful when its all over.

The storm is pretty wide spread, and there are other local rivers being affected by these conditions much more than my river already today. People along some of those rivers and creeks may have to move to higher ground faster than we probably will-and we might not need to do that at all.

Send some of that rain way our way. We are already into the mid summer weather pattern, hot and muggy, with isolated t-storms, some pretty bad, but not the soaker type rain the veggies and fruits need. Flash flood type storms.

The pup has had me up sinve 1 am, since I'm meeting with the contractor and buying new furnace and AC tomorrowm I hust decided to stay up and surf the net and watch L&O reruns and washing clothes since I'll be batching it starting tomorrow, well today, thru the weekend. Just me, my 2 dogs and cat. Oh, our place will be where all the action is. :laugh:

I hope ya'll stay above the water. :D

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I looked at the river tonight as I crossed the bridge home.

Thank you!

Driving home last night I wondered if I should say something about selling the place and finding a house on higher ground and perhaps less to worry about over the years to come.

But the river is like a direct channel to God - so I guess that's pretty cool.

I did buy a big candle.

:D:D Scented I hope -- Sandalwood - or maybe 'Forest Fresh' (if they have such a thing)

The pup has had me up since 1 am

That pup is a precious as anything you could ever find anywhere and is priceless.

I'll be batching it starting tomorrow, well today, thru the weekend. Just me, my 2 dogs and cat. Oh, our place will be where all the action is. :laugh:

Sounds like a wonderful time to 'Celebrate and Have some FUN'!!

On those 'rare occasions' I'm grabbing up all the movies like 'The Book of Eli' -- having fantasies of some wonderful pizza loaded with everything I enjoy and making sure I've got plenty of pepsi (or whatever) to go with it.

Have a great time CB !!!

I always have everything cleaned up by the time they get back which is pretty cool -- cause the thought of me watching action films and the place looking like a dump -- never remotely enters their thoughts.

Morning everybody! Appreciated the good thoughts last night and this morning. Well, the freight-train wind never showed up last night, its dead calm this morning with steady soaking rain. Wind will pick up this afternoon and stick around through midnight as the storm moves out of here. After making sure the ground is reeeeally saturated.

But the wind predictions have changed and they will be a lot less violent, as of this morning's read on the weather sites. So maybe not as many trees will tip over as they were warning about. The flood watches are still in effect from midstate north to Canada in this part of the NW however.

Most of our fed management area is still within the floodwatch zone, so our road managers and other employees will be ultra busy this coming week I suspect finding which roads have been damaged and in need of quick fix or major repairs and/or temporary closures.

Yes, the rain is a steady soaker, unlike the torrential all day sheeting rain we had a couple days ago. It's a nice change in rain styles, I just wish it would quit for a couple days so can get the garden finally planted. I won't have to start up the sprinkler system for another week at least it looks like.

CB, I learned a couple weeks ago that the northwest has moved into the cool phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation-which is a 30-year regional climate cycle-will mean cool wet intermediate trend will offset some of the El Nino hot-dry episodes which are shorter cycles. If you want serious spring/early summer rains-you'll have to come out here the next few years-no irrigation ditches or pipelines your direction-unless you want to take out a loan? :toung:
I'm back to reviewing where we are with DeMark Indicators. Week 5 of a 9-week downcount since mid-April.

We made the 9-day downcount already (since MidMay) and are on count 3 of an additional 13-count down/sideways on the dailies. Will post a chart tonight or over the weekend. The 9-counts are based on different criteria than the 13-counts as I've explained before....things got so confused there for a bit, I couldn't see what was happening, lost track of my counts, but they're pretty clear at this point.
Steadygain;274492[B said:
Have a great time CB !!! [/B]

I always have everything cleaned up by the time they get back which is pretty cool -- cause the thought of me watching action films and the place looking like a dump -- never remotely enters their thoughts.

Thanks Steady,

I got the local pizza place on speed dial, so all I'll have to do is bag up the MT pizza boxes and sweep the crumbs off the floor. We'll be living in the downstairs LR and the Bathroom in my workshop and no one goes back their but me, and the pup is house broken, so we're covered there. Plenty of movies and stuff on the DVR :D

Now if it will only rain, I won't have to feel guilty about doing any outside work. :laugh:

CB, I learned a couple weeks ago that the northwest has moved into the cool phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation-which is a 30-year regional climate cycle-will mean cool wet intermediate trend will offset some of the El Nino hot-dry episodes which are shorter cycles. If you want serious spring/early summer rains-you'll have to come out here the next few years-no irrigation ditches or pipelines your direction-unless you want to take out a loan? :toung:

Oh well alevin,

I'll just have to make do with what we get, cause that is a little fer to pipe it. :cool:
Thanks Steady,

I got the local pizza place on speed dial, so all I'll have to do is bag up the MT pizza boxes and sweep the crumbs off the floor. We'll be living in the downstairs LR and the Bathroom in my workshop and no one goes back their but me, and the pup is house broken, so we're covered there. Plenty of movies and stuff on the DVR :D

Now if it will only rain, I won't have to feel guilty about doing any outside work. :laugh:


It sounds wonderful !!! :D

Your pup looks huge -- German Shepard ??

Well I've been day dreaming a little here and there about the Black Monkey and the numerous ways I'd tear him apart now that I've got enough to make it entertaining. For a little balance I threw in the White Hippo. :cheesy:

Well, have a great time and don't forget the soft drinks.
Wow Steady! That's quite the White Elephant tale youve got going in that other thread over there. :nuts: Makes me glad I bought my Fresh Cotton/Air-dried Laundry smelling candle last night. It will help me remember what clean air smells like (that is, until the rain stops and I get to hang real sheets out on the laundry line again :cool:)
Steadygain;274563 [B said:
Your pup looks huge -- German Shepard ?? [/B]

Yeah Steady,

She's a German Shephard. She's 3.5 months old now and 40#. She's probably going to be a whopper, because her dad 120# and mom 85# are both German bred German Shephards and they are bigger than the American German Shephard bloodline. We know both of her parents, actually her dad is owned by my best friend and both of them are very friendly dogs, but when they bark, you can almost feel the sound vibrate thru you, along with a mouth full of teeth a shark would be proud of. Living out here in the country, that's what we wanted, a friendly dog, but one that a stranger will not get out of the car unless we are there.

Have a good one,