Well-known member
Are we having enough fun yet? Today was Day 3 of the downtrend I marked a couple days ago...given the springtail today, we may not get a day 4 before we head back up again. I'm not going to play tomorrow.
Meanwhile back at the ranch-Lord have mercy.
As if winter sending us drought isn't enough, the ARYAN NATIONS have decided they want to turn a small isolated community I used to live in-into their new National HQ!
gag me with a SPOON!!!!
I've mentioned I and a good friend had acquaintence or closer in our early adulthoods with one of those types-but didn't know their association and philosophical bent til years later-after that person was indicted and then went to prison for conspiracy, fraud, forgery, armed robbery and murder-along with her son and colleagues.
The small logging and ranching community is up in arms in public demonstrations against the invasion. Acceptance of offers on 2 buildings in town! have been withdrawn now that the people know what's going on, and other properties for sale are being withdrawn from listings.
I'm really proud of the community's responses so far. It's a hurtin' place, over 20% unemployment, so its a sacrifice that people are making by refusing to sell whatever the AN might be interested in buying.
The AN wants to buy LOTS of property in the area-room to expand and "training grounds" for the people they hope to attract to the area from all over the country (read it and heard it from the front guys mouth on the tube tonight also).
The face on the AN looks like a young Elvis-go figure (saw him on TV tonight)-likely to make a few impressionable young girls hearts go pittypatter if they actually manage to get a toehold.
I still travel to that community on rare occasion and travel through the community enroute for parts south probably 1-2x/year. Still know people there.
Even still pick up some short-term work days there on the odd occasion (what happens when Congress doesn't allocate enough funds to keep me full employed on my home unit-been that way for years now). It will make me puke if the AN manages to move in despite community resistance. Pray the community will stand strong and stay strong and that it will be enough to keep those creeps OUT!!!
Meanwhile back at the ranch-Lord have mercy.
As if winter sending us drought isn't enough, the ARYAN NATIONS have decided they want to turn a small isolated community I used to live in-into their new National HQ!
gag me with a SPOON!!!!

I've mentioned I and a good friend had acquaintence or closer in our early adulthoods with one of those types-but didn't know their association and philosophical bent til years later-after that person was indicted and then went to prison for conspiracy, fraud, forgery, armed robbery and murder-along with her son and colleagues.
The small logging and ranching community is up in arms in public demonstrations against the invasion. Acceptance of offers on 2 buildings in town! have been withdrawn now that the people know what's going on, and other properties for sale are being withdrawn from listings.
I'm really proud of the community's responses so far. It's a hurtin' place, over 20% unemployment, so its a sacrifice that people are making by refusing to sell whatever the AN might be interested in buying.
The AN wants to buy LOTS of property in the area-room to expand and "training grounds" for the people they hope to attract to the area from all over the country (read it and heard it from the front guys mouth on the tube tonight also).
The face on the AN looks like a young Elvis-go figure (saw him on TV tonight)-likely to make a few impressionable young girls hearts go pittypatter if they actually manage to get a toehold.
I still travel to that community on rare occasion and travel through the community enroute for parts south probably 1-2x/year. Still know people there.
Even still pick up some short-term work days there on the odd occasion (what happens when Congress doesn't allocate enough funds to keep me full employed on my home unit-been that way for years now). It will make me puke if the AN manages to move in despite community resistance. Pray the community will stand strong and stay strong and that it will be enough to keep those creeps OUT!!!