Wiff007's Account Talk

Good Morning Everyone. Hope all is well, been monitoring my TSP and things seem to be going okay. After the roller coaster week we had last week, and the good gains on Friday I am thinking about moving some money out of the G and maybe putting some in the C and S again. Maybe 20% each. Was also thinking of the F Fund since I saw on here that so far it has made like 2% this year so far. Anyone else think next week could be a better week?

Thanks for everyone input as always.
I'm torn. While the S-fund is sitting high at almost $38 a share, it has been on a good run this past month. Not sure what to do myself as I'm in G and out of IFT's for the month. Gotta make up my mind by March 1st!
Good Morning Everyone

Question for you all if I do say 100% in s fund, what is the most say I could lose. I guess I'm scared to do that because I could lose like 5,000 or more in a day then bail to the G and miss the rebound. Is this something I have to consider if I want big gains? I hope we don't have another day like yesterday and I see on the main page the people who have big gains but what is the most you guys have lost in a day when doing that 100% in a fund?

everyone have a great day!

rebound stock sprinkles for all :)
Question for you all if I do say 100% in s fund, what is the most say I could lose.

100%. all of it. every penny.

but if stocks get that low it won't matter anyways. at about 50% losses most professional trading jerks will be jumping out of windows, grandma will be peeing her pants, and you will start to wish you had been collecting rocks and sticks instead of gov tsp paper as a proxy for wall street corporate paper. also there will be zombies. lots of zombies. in the apacolypse.
A good question but there are so many variables nothing is for sure there is always risk, the trick is to keep your risk as low as possible without missing all of the upside.
Best of luck!
Morning everyone

okay so questions for you all :)

market is is going well today, did 15% in S and 15% in I. I'm going to hold this for a week since I only have one IFT left this month. Okay now the questions lol.

1. Is buying low and selling high mean like what happen yesterday? When the market is horrible down 100/200 or more points then you go all in 100% in a fund like s or I? If so then selling high means to get out after a big day like how today is so far right? I'm just scared tomorrow will be another roller coaster day and just don't want to bail out with an IFT today.

2. Are the yahoo charts good to look at to judge how the market will do? I think I understand the buy low and sell high aspects. However I still need some advice on graphs to read and how to interput them. Any help is great.

3. Can some one tell me if i did like 100 in the S fund on a day the market did great could you earn like 2 or 3k in a day if the Dow jones went up 200 points?

thanks as always
1. Is buying low and selling high mean like what happen yesterday? When the market is horrible down 100/200 or more points then you go all in 100% in a fund like s or I? If so then selling high means to get out after a big day like how today is so far right? I'm just scared tomorrow will be another roller coaster day and just don't want to bail out with an IFT today.

Short answer is yes, but I wouldn't look at it from a short timeframe, or else you'll run out of IFTs before the month is up.

2. Are the yahoo charts good to look at to judge how the market will do? I think I understand the buy low and sell high aspects. However I still need some advice on graphs to read and how to interput them.

Yahoo is "ok" but the options are limited. Check out the stock chart links in my signature block, those charts are setup to give a good long-term perspective on the price action

3. Can some one tell me if i did like 100 in the S fund on a day the market did great could you earn like 2 or 3k in a day if the Dow jones went up 200 points?

When comparing the S-Fund, you should judge the performance of small caps, the Dow Jones Industrials are large caps, so while it may work when "a rising tide floats all ships" the major indexes do not always perform the same. On Wednesday the S-Fund gained .56% while the DJI lost -.16%
Short answer is yes, but I wouldn't look at it from a short timeframe, or else you'll run out of IFTs before the month is up.

Yahoo is "ok" but the options are limited. Check out the stock chart links in my signature block, those charts are setup to give a good long-term perspective on the price action

When comparing the S-Fund, you should judge the performance of small caps, the Dow Jones Industrials are large caps, so while it may work when "a rising tide floats all ships" the major indexes do not always perform the same. On Wednesday the S-Fund gained .56% while the DJI lost -.16%

Sorry to hijack. But, if I may add to the discussion: Those of us in S fund are watching the Wilshire 4500 Completion (^W4500).

S Fund tracks the Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market Index (DWCPF)

That's not what is shown on the TSP Talk home page at the bottom. Now I'm confused because that link is directly connected to the Wilshire 4500.

Which one is correct?

That's not what is shown on the TSP Talk home page at the bottom. Now I'm confused because that link is directly connected to the Wilshire 4500.

Which one is correct?

It used to track the W4500 and then it switched. I'll check again and let you know.
tsptalk.com and tsp.gov are not the same.

I realize that. But if you go to our home page here, scroll to the bottom and read the chart, it specifically says that the S Fund tracks W4500 and if you click on the link, the Yahoo link opens up to the W4500.

[h=2]DWCP and DWCPF - the difference[/h]
Understanding the difference between the DWCP and the DWCPF:

These are both funds that mirror Wilshire 4500 index (which is what the S-fund is). In a nutshell, the Wilshire 4500 is an extract of the Wilshire 5000 companies: which represent the entire US market excluding the companies of the S&P 500.

Both of these funds (DWCP and DWCPF) include all the same companies – but the total composition of each fund is different by how much a company is represented in the fund.

Example: Reduce the entire stock market to 5 companies, A, B, C, D and E.

A is a large cap with 500 share in existence
B is a mid cap with 300 shares in existence of which 180 (60%) are available for trading
C is a mid cap with 300 shares in existence of which 120 (40%) are available for trading
D is a small cap with 200 shares in existence of which 120 (60%) are available for trading
E is a small cap with 200 shares in existence of which 80 (40%) are available for trading

The Wilshire 5000 would be a composite of all five companies

Company A represents the S&P 500

The Wilshire 4500 would therefore only represent companies B, C, D and E.

In determining the weight of each stock in the fund, the DWCP only looks at the TOTAL amount of shares, where the DWCPF looks at the AVAILABLE shares.

In this example the DWCP is weighted based on a 1000 shares (300+300+200+200)
So the DWCP would hold
30% company B
30% company C
20% company D
20% company E

Where the DWCPF (which is what the S-fund more closely matches) is weighted based on 500 shares (180+120+120+80)
So the DWCPF would hold
36% company B
24% company C
24% company D
16% company E

Companies that have more available shares do not behave significantly different then companies with less available shares in the market on any given day. So in the grand scheme of things, once you factor all this across every sector and 4500 different companies, the behavior of the two funds are virtually identical despite the price difference due to their slightly different weightings.

You could read all of that, or you could click on my $EMW link and be done with it.
I realize that. But if you go to our home page here, scroll to the bottom and read the chart, it specifically says that the S Fund tracks W4500 and if you click on the link, the Yahoo link opens up to the W4500.

Yes, you are correct, the tsptalk.com home page says W4500. Tsp.gov is the 'official' site.