Wiff007's Account Talk

There are lots of finance sites and tools http://finance.yahoo.com/ Yahoo Finance is a good place to start.

Buying low usually means to buy an index like the C or S fund or an individual stock like Intel at what you think is a low price because you think it will go higher.

As of yesterday the C and S were down five days in a row so they were a lot lower than they were after Christmas.

Today they came back up and they may continue to do so or not.

Good luck.


So I went to the yahoo site and I looked at the historical prices section is that a good one to use? Like mirroring what I see from last year?

where do I find a list of index companies at?
I'll take a stab at your questions since I'm just sitting and chillin' recovering from a root canal this afternoon, what fun...
1. Regarding buying low, the new money coming in via your contributions will simply average out over time. Some will go in when the market is in sell-off mode and therefore "low", while some will go in near tops. Nothing to worry about since as your account grows the contributions become relatively smaller and smaller. I think on this site people would be referring more to making interfund transfers as close as possible near lows if they are getting back into stocks, thus "buying low".
2. I've always used Yahoo and Stockcharts.com mostly. I'm rather upset at Yahoo though since they apparently have dropped their basic charts feature that allowed putting multiple charts on the same page. For many years I used that and had as many as 20 or 30 5-day charts on the same page, and those are very useful for timing stock trades by attempting to time bottoms...for longer term I like stockcharts but have never subscribed to get all their features. Here's a basic chart of the S fund for example, and you can see that it just bounced off the 200 day simple moving average, a common good place to buy and I think that yesterday was indeed a major low and the place to buy: $EMW - SharpCharts Workbench - StockCharts.com
3. Friday is a jobs report day if that's what you're referring to, and in general the market usually does well on those days each month statistically. And since IMO the market is now moving into a wave 3 of wave 3 up, the middle of a big move up in Elliott wave terms, Friday should be a pretty good day and it won't end there...just my opinion.

Good Evening,

Okay I have been thinking of some more things this afternoon and figure here might be a good place to ask.

1. When I hear you guys talk about buying low? I might have asked this actually but figure I might rephrase it. Okay so if you buy low are you doing an allocation percent of saying buy with the "new money" that is coming in (I guess this is for the people still working) and putting 100% into one fund?

2. Also what is a good graph or site that I can like monitor how the market goes and make my adjustments with? I figure that is probably on here lol : ) but as a rookie lol, how or what do I use to follow? Is there a beginner graph lol.

3. Does anyone have any options about how the market might do say on Friday? I am hoping we can ride these gains till then, I just know I don't want to lose my gains today. Is there a chance we could have another big drop this month?

Thanks for all the assistance this site is so far awesome.
Wave 3 of 3 of 3 - known as the point of recognition. There is going to be a large wave of buying when bonds get dumped.
I'll take a stab at your questions since I'm just sitting and chillin' recovering from a root canal this afternoon, what fun...
1. Regarding buying low, the new money coming in via your contributions will simply average out over time. Some will go in when the market is in sell-off mode and therefore "low", while some will go in near tops. Nothing to worry about since as your account grows the contributions become relatively smaller and smaller. I think on this site people would be referring more to making interfund transfers as close as possible near lows if they are getting back into stocks, thus "buying low".
2. I've always used Yahoo and Stockcharts.com mostly. I'm rather upset at Yahoo though since they apparently have dropped their basic charts feature that allowed putting multiple charts on the same page. For many years I used that and had as many as 20 or 30 5-day charts on the same page, and those are very useful for timing stock trades by attempting to time bottoms...for longer term I like stockcharts but have never subscribed to get all their features. Here's a basic chart of the S fund for example, and you can see that it just bounced off the 200 day simple moving average, a common good place to buy and I think that yesterday was indeed a major low and the place to buy: $EMW - SharpCharts Workbench - StockCharts.com
3. Friday is a jobs report day if that's what you're referring to, and in general the market usually does well on those days each month statistically. And since IMO the market is now moving into a wave 3 of wave 3 up, the middle of a big move up in Elliott wave terms, Friday should be a pretty good day and it won't end there...just my opinion.

Okay I got what your saying to the first question.

The second question I looked at the charts but don't really know what I need to focus on? I didn't major in fiance unfortunately lol.

the third question I get that answer lol.

anyone know of any apps if you use those to track stocks? I guess I just wish I knew what to focus on, I focus on the s&p but what do I need to look at today to make a good prediction for the next days.

of course I know there is not a way to be 100% right all the time.

thanks for all the help
One more thing lol. Saw news articles on the projected job report numbers. Would another IFT tomorrow morning be wise to take advantage of the chance we might have another surge? Also. If I do that then that is two in the month and I would only be able to move all to the G fund after this transfer? Just wondering if this could be a wise move.

have a nice evening
One more thing lol. Saw news articles on the projected job report numbers. Would another IFT tomorrow morning be wise to take advantage of the chance we might have another surge? Also. If I do that then that is two in the month and I would only be able to move all to the G fund after this transfer? Just wondering if this could be a wise move.

have a nice evening

if you figure out what a wise move today is based on what the market might do tomorrow, please let me know as i am very interested in that topic.
I agree that Yahoo used to be excellent and now it is just good but you can use it to see how the majors, DOW, S&P etc are doing and you can create your own portfolio of stocks to watch including [h=2]Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total (^DWCPF)[/h]which is the S fund.

$AGG is the I fund and EFA is the F fund.

I used to use this a lot and I think it is a great starter.

Beyond that I would stick with this page to start and try the different premiums one at a time.

Going further I would look at CNBC and Cramer's Mad Money and thing about further investing ideas but there are great sites like Vanguard, Schwab and others for further detail on investing.
Morning everyone!

Looks like we're in for another good day I hope. Wish I could do an inter fund transfer I'd put more in the S fund today or mix it with the C. At work though. Guess I will have to ride it out then study this weekend and see what I can review. I know doing an interfund transfer tonight probably wouldn't take effect till Monday and by then this run might be tapered :(

If you have not completed your two IFT's for the month and you do it before 12 pm eastern, it will go into effect tomorrow.

Good luck,

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... and if you do an IFT tonight it will go in @ EOB Friday and you will be earning on it on Monday.
I I don't really know what that means :(. Is that three good days, three bad days, three mixed days? Lol

You can just Google "Elliott Waves tutorial" if you're interested, but it's a confounding TA technique that most people don't do well. The problem is that "experts" that have bearish mindsets like Robert Prechter Elliott Wave International: Expert Market Forecasting Using the Elliott Wave Principle , Bob McHugh https://www.technicalindicatorindex.com/Default.asp , and this guy Daneric, they always come up with bearish wave counts and are wrong at least half the time because of it:
Daneric's Elliott Waves
Part of it may be that they know "fear" sells, so they make money (sell subscriptions) by taking advantage of people's fear of a market collapse.

P.S. - I think one of the best sources for education is listening to the free weekend podcasts here: http://www.financialsense.com/financial-sense-newshour
I've been a listener there as part of my Saturday morning routine for nearly 10 years now. The Monday "Lifetime Income Series" is also free and very good.
Good Evening everyone. Was another good day it appears. Hope tomorrow is good. Still on the fence about another inter fund transfer this early into Jan.

In in the premium accounts, the newsletter one. Is this one that you can follow with how they have there TSP % set up? Anyone have any luck with following this newsletter ? Also what happen if the person who sends it out; changes the % each day. Or do they take into account each of our 2 inter fund transfers and usually only changes the % twice a month?

finally for you all who are all in as they say in the S fund or C fund can you make a good amount in one day? Like a 5k or more? I'm guessing the S&P would have to be up 5% for that to happen. I want to do that but so afraid how I would stomach a huge loss of when I did it and the market lost 5-10% that day.

enjoy all your evenings. Look forward to reviewing the yahoo finance and more on here this weekend.
You can just Google "Elliott Waves tutorial" if you're interested, but it's a confounding TA technique that most people don't do well. The problem is that "experts" that have bearish mindsets like Robert Prechter Elliott Wave International: Expert Market Forecasting Using the Elliott Wave Principle , Bob McHugh https://www.technicalindicatorindex.com/Default.asp , and this guy Daneric, they always come up with bearish wave counts and are wrong at least half the time because of it:
Daneric's Elliott Waves
Part of it may be that they know "fear" sells, so they make money (sell subscriptions) by taking advantage of people's fear of a market collapse.

P.S. - I think one of the best sources for education is listening to the free weekend podcasts here: Financial Sense Newshour | FINANCIAL SENSE
I've been a listener there as part of my Saturday morning routine for nearly 10 years now. The Monday "Lifetime Income Series" is also free and very good.

Thanks i will check into this.
Well I blinked and did my 2nd IFT. Moved g-80% and c 10% amd s 10%. That way I make a bit, keep some gains from the last few days, and maybe make a little.

Gonna try to do some homework on this stock stuff this weekend.

Din din time lol