Weekly Account Tally Talk

Congratulations to the top 3 account returns for March 07! Big month!

ebbnflow: +5.55%
Beavis: +5.54%
Truehonest: +4.22%

Please PM me with your choice of prize from this list,
and your shipping information.
Yeah, I fiinally won a prize! Congrats to Beavis and TRUEHONEST. This is my first, so I got to go with the new 16 oz. stainless steel (inside and out) travel mug with blue plastic logo cover. I don't like to drink from plastic cups (it's the aftertaste) unless I have to. Thanks, Tom. :)
Yeah, I fiinally won a prize! Congrats to Beavis and TRUEHONEST. This is my first, so I got to go with the new 16 oz. stainless steel (inside and out) travel mug with blue plastic logo cover. I don't like to drink from plastic cups (it's the aftertaste) unless I have to. Thanks, Tom. :)
Man, that stainless mug looks cool, just got to have one, got 2 of the others but this is nice.
Watch Out, I'm aiming at the top 3 this month!!:D
Congratulations to the top 3 account returns for March 07! Big month!

ebbnflow: +5.55%
Beavis: +5.54%
Truehonest: +4.22%

Please PM me with your choice of prize from this list,
and your shipping information.

Yeah, I fiinally won a prize! Congrats to Beavis and TRUEHONEST. This is my first, so I got to go with the new 16 oz. stainless steel (inside and out) travel mug with blue plastic logo cover. I don't like to drink from plastic cups (it's the aftertaste) unless I have to. Thanks, Tom. :)


Congrats on achieving the top 3! May you always be successful (... for our sake :) )

comments on this weeks tally:

1. can't nobody steal that Thunder! I believe we are looking at 30% this year for the guy!

2. congrats to Bryer for her run-up!

No kidding, I smell a made for tv movie in the making here......maybe i'll get started on the screenplay.

I'm not sure why you say the tracker has April 2nd date. Please explain what you see so I can investigate. Is anyone still having problems opening, or downloading, this weeks tracker?

The date still has April 2nd on it, not April 5th?