Weekly Account Tally Talk


If you click on a tab with someone's name, you can see a daily list of their fund allocations, their daily results (teal column), and their year-to-date returns (purple column).
I have my screen size set at 800x1024. However, a font setting on large might be problematic. As Show-me said, to move the screen left and right use the arrows in the bottom right. To move up and down use the bar on the right side of your screen.

Man, 9%! in one quarter!!!!!! Go Thunder, and everybody else.

Maybe you all should quit your piddling government jobs and go to Wall Street! That's what I think.

Or ya'll should write a book.

I won't try to take credit for mine, I'm just happy with it!

weekly tracker

Okay, I have that weekly tracker figured out now....thanks guys. That looks like a lot of work. Rokid and Ewguy are doing a lot of work.

Hey, I think our top ytd returns are a lot better than tspkey ytd returns.....

Microsoft tip: Hold down the "Ctrl" button. Now use the "Roller" on top of the mouse to zoom in and out.
Does any one recommend TSPKey? Also I was trying to find RevSharks returns status and couldnt find it. Can some one guide me to were his returns are posted? Thanks!
Does any one recommend TSPKey? Also I was trying to find RevSharks returns status and couldnt find it. Can some one guide me to were his returns are posted? Thanks!

I don't know about Shark, but Key is only up 3.28% for the year....well, that is good......but not as good as following some of the top people here.

Ofcourse Key will tell you what to do.....these guys may not show up until noon, too late for you to follow.

Does any one recommend TSPKey? Also I was trying to find RevSharks returns status and couldnt find it. Can some one guide me to were his returns are posted? Thanks!

Sorry about that. I was trying to standardize the tally http://www.tsptalk.com/utilities/tally_032307.pdf on on Tom's nomenclature:

TSPTalk Trading - Tom's active account
TSPTalk Inactive - Tom's long-term account
TSP Timing - Rev Shark's account
TSP Trader - the other guy :toung:
I don't know about Shark, but Key is only up 3.28% for the year....well, that is good......but not as good as following some of the top people here.

Ofcourse Key will tell you what to do.....these guys may not show up until noon, too late for you to follow.


TSPGO! moves are usually posted at the website the night before. The main reason being that the website can't be updated from work. Also, most of the times TSPGO! moves are posted here (TSPTalk MB) a few minutes later.

It also appears that mostly everybody (Tsptak, Ebb, Fabijo, Tech, etc) is posting with enough time to allow followers to enter their IFT"s.

Good luck!

Looks like Thunder is still holding the lead, with Mercury right on his coat tails! Not sure about any surprises....

Looks like he should be # 4, which will bump us down a notch!

He just accidentally got left off.

In looking at Mercury's posts, I don't understand how he stayed at # 4.

Am I missing something? He bought I on 3/28 at 22.94, and today it is worth 23.13, a 19 cent gain?

It just looks like he would have moved up higher on the list. But on the weekly tracker, he is only up to 7.66%

I must not know how to calculate.

Bumped down a notch! Dang, I should have kept my mouth shut. :D

Did a search on the tally and saw his name down #142 at -3.96%. Must be an error. :)

It was an error. Pogo's return was also incorrect. My fault. I've sent Tom the corrections.:embarrest:
Oh, and I see how I was making mistake on Mercury - I thought he should be higher than 7.66%, because he posted move to 100 I on 3/28, but it was after hours, and was for cob 3/29.....which made a big difference, cause it was a 3 cent loss vs. the 19 cents gain I originally thought.....Merc, you shoulda made that move in the morning (LOL, pot calling kettle black)!

Okay the world is back to normal, as soon as ya'll move him back up the ladder to spot # 4, I think. No, make that spot # 5.
