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I'm curious as to why the tracker has me at up .46% for the year while Rokid's weekly tally has me down .40%? Almost a 1% difference doesn't make since.
Hey Ew,
(tee hee, Hey You!)
I know you're tired of this question but can you please explain the difference in the way you compute and I compute.
I had no paycheck this past week, thus no contributions.
To check my earnings I did:
COB 4/27 Balance - CoB 4/20 Balance = Gain
Gain/4/20 Balance = this week's % earnings = .99%
Your Comp = .28% for the week
I understand why I can't use my method for the year as a whole, because of contributions, but why isn't the week's earnings the same?
Hey Ew
So are you confirming that the forumula I used for computing my weekly earnings (4/27 COB balance, less 4/20/ COB balance = Gain, then Gain is divided by 4/20 COB Balance to arrive at yield% for the week) is the correct formula and should be the same as your answer so long as there were no contributions or other additions to the account during the week?
Yes, that’s what I am saying. Because the difference is near quadruple (0.99% versus 0.28%), I suspect that there was a large contribution. A large contribution would increase the account gain ($), and the apparent return. The local Navy base workers were paid on April 20th, and the contributions to TSP were made sometime from the Thursday (4/19) before, to the following Wednesday (4/25). Here are some rough figures to estimate returns and account gains,
A $50,000 account would have a $495.00 gain if 0.99% (0.0099), or $140.00 if 0.28% (0.0028).
A $100,000 account would have a $990.00 gain if 0.99% (0.0099), or $280.00 if 0.28% (0.0028).
A $200,000 account would have a $1980.00 gain if 0.99%, or $560.00 if 0.28%
If one were making the maximum contribution of $15,000, this would equate to $577 biweekly. Add this to the government match on a $70,000 salary would add about $134 to the $577 for total bi-weekly contribution of $711. If the account value was near $100,000 and the return for a week was 0.28%, the return of $280 added to contribution of $711 would give a total account gain of $991. This equates to an account gain of 0.99% (991/100000 = 0.0099).