Weekly Account Tally Talk

I'm off to Canada for the holiday (how's that for patriotic?:laugh:). We're going camping. Family reunion.

In Canada you never know whether it's going to be 90 degrees or snowing - or both, on alternate days.

I'll be back on Tuesday to publish the tally.

Have a great Memorial Day!
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Wow! We had some big numbers in June despite the fact that the S&P 500 was down nearly 2% for the month. Nice job!

Our top 3 returns in June were:

Pyriel 4.25%
Namor 3.83%
Wind Hunter 2.87%

Congratulations. Please send me a PM with your choice of our prizes, and include your shipping address.

Thanks! Good in July everyone!
FYI. I'll be in Michigan over the weekend for my nephew's wedding. I'll produce this week's tally on Sunday evening.
It’s a small world after all! I was in Michigan three weeks ago attending the wedding of my nephew. That was in the area of Richmond/Memphis, MI. What a coincidence! We also both live in Northern Virginia. Maybe you’re an unknown, lost, relative! Good luck on your trip. Say hi to our friends in Michigan. :D:cheesy::suspicious:


Thanks. Will do! We'll also toast a few for the TSPTalk crew!:nuts:----Jim

FYI. I'll be in Michigan over the weekend for my nephew's wedding. I'll produce this week's tally on Sunday evening.