uscfanhawaii's account talk

People on this board should know dollar amounts don't matter. Percentages matter, so if you want to advocate one party or another lets at least talk percentages. Clinton overspent Bush, W. overspent Clinton, Obama overspent W. and who ever is next will overspend Obama coincidence I think not. It's a exponential problem which means it's going to grow at an every increasing rate. Which means from a fiscal stand point whoever is in office is going to be the worst fiscal president EVER.

Unless a party/president is going to make deep cuts and address the three major deficits in our annual budget (SS, Medicare, Medicaid) they will be the worst fiscal president ever (because it's an exponential/growing problem). Medicaid and Medicare ran 600 billion is the red last year, and it will be more this year and even more next year. Einstein once said the 11th wonder of the world was compound interest, but its killing our national deficit. Medical costs in the US make up 1/3 of our GDP---33.333%, 1 of every 3 dollars in your pocket go to medical/pharmacy that is out of control. Unless we get these costs under control this nation is never getting out of debt, regardless what party is in control.

Sorry I'll get of my soap box now.
Thanks, ALL!! I knew I could count on you to provide some interesting comments (Purgatory or not!).

I think I most relate to I<3TDs !! :cool:
In spite of the chance that I may be opening up my account talk thread to attack, I wanted to post this article to try and set the record straight. I couldn't find another thread that was still talking about Federal Spending under different administrations so I am posting it in my own account talk thread.

But if I were to ask:
'Which recent administration increased Federal Spending the MOST?'
A. Reagan's first term
B. Bush I first term
C. Clinton second term
D. Bush II second term
E. Obama first term
What would you answer?

A clue is from this recent article in MarketWatch Obama spending binge never happened - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch where in part he says "Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree."

PS, the answer is A, followed closely by D. E is LOWEST.

And here is a response to that article:
Figures don't lie - HUMAN EVENTS
What's a trillion here or there between friends?! :blink:

Seems that anyone can do anything with, I mean statistics.

I still like I<3TDs take....all Presidents and congresses of late have been spending recklessly. Not sure how it will be possible to turn that around. :rolleyes:

I don't know how either, but if something doesn't start turning around soon, we will be the next Greece... after Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and Germany...
Well, JKen goes to a 'Buy'.....and goes to a 'Sell'. Just goes to show you, there are conflicting ideas no matter what the market is doing. Personally, I don't like to sell on a down market and 'lock in' the losses.

So I will go with you, Ken, and stay 100% invested. Let's GO!!!! :nuts:
Well, JKen goes to a 'Buy'.....and goes to a 'Sell'. Just goes to show you, there are conflicting ideas no matter what the market is doing. Personally, I don't like to sell on a down market and 'lock in' the losses.

So I will go with you, Ken, and stay 100% invested. Let's GO!!!! :nuts:

I've stayed invested as well and it has hurt, but every time I get out of the market after it falling like this the next day it skyrockets and I miss it so I said screw it and I'm riding it out for now.
I've stayed invested as well and it has hurt, but every time I get out of the market after it falling like this the next day it skyrockets and I miss it so I said screw it and I'm riding it out for now.

Woo Hoo!!! You nailed it MaStA!! So now the question high will it go before it starts coming down again!
You always have to be right TWICE in this game to get ahead!
Woo Hoo!!! You nailed it MaStA!! So now the question high will it go before it starts coming down again!
You always have to be right TWICE in this game to get ahead!

I'm selling my TNA positions today because I am following J Trader's system, but my TSP is still in the S fund.
I'm selling my TNA positions today because I am following J Trader's system, but my TSP is still in the S fund.

I have a strong urge to sell this I can set up to buy the inevitable (did I say inevitable?!?) drop. Even tho I am still -10% on the year! :nuts: or :worried: ?
we did well last year, think we need patience now with hopefully a solid rebound

You may be right! So far I haven't seen the mass exodus on the IFT of the Day listing....but then a lot of that happens just before noon. Maybe this is the start of a mini rally, it would be nice to see it run a few more days. But I think it may be built on a house of cards so I will be watching closely for a possible exit.
You may be right! So far I haven't seen the mass exodus on the IFT of the Day listing....but then a lot of that happens just before noon. Maybe this is the start of a mini rally, it would be nice to see it run a few more days. But I think it may be built on a house of cards so I will be watching closely for a possible exit.

As expected, the bulk of today's IFTs came out just before 12. the largest % is for those getting OUT (59%)....although plenty are still getting IN, including NASA74! Flipside is that jken's system went to a SELL after just 1 day as a BUY. So here we sit.....wondering if this is just a Bernanke blip, or the start of a recovery. I still tend to favor the former, but I am in for at least one more day. Re-evaluate tomorrow!! :blink:
Arriba, Arriba, muchas gracias, Espana!!! Futures are up over 1% as I write this, for those of us that are IN, let's hope for a BIG follow-thru tomorrow!!