People on this board should know dollar amounts don't matter. Percentages matter, so if you want to advocate one party or another lets at least talk percentages. Clinton overspent Bush, W. overspent Clinton, Obama overspent W. and who ever is next will overspend Obama coincidence I think not. It's a exponential problem which means it's going to grow at an every increasing rate. Which means from a fiscal stand point whoever is in office is going to be the worst fiscal president EVER.
Unless a party/president is going to make deep cuts and address the three major deficits in our annual budget (SS, Medicare, Medicaid) they will be the worst fiscal president ever (because it's an exponential/growing problem). Medicaid and Medicare ran 600 billion is the red last year, and it will be more this year and even more next year. Einstein once said the 11th wonder of the world was compound interest, but its killing our national deficit. Medical costs in the US make up 1/3 of our GDP---33.333%, 1 of every 3 dollars in your pocket go to medical/pharmacy that is out of control. Unless we get these costs under control this nation is never getting out of debt, regardless what party is in control.
Sorry I'll get of my soap box now.
Unless a party/president is going to make deep cuts and address the three major deficits in our annual budget (SS, Medicare, Medicaid) they will be the worst fiscal president ever (because it's an exponential/growing problem). Medicaid and Medicare ran 600 billion is the red last year, and it will be more this year and even more next year. Einstein once said the 11th wonder of the world was compound interest, but its killing our national deficit. Medical costs in the US make up 1/3 of our GDP---33.333%, 1 of every 3 dollars in your pocket go to medical/pharmacy that is out of control. Unless we get these costs under control this nation is never getting out of debt, regardless what party is in control.
Sorry I'll get of my soap box now.