Tsunami's Account Talk

Anybody else in the forum turning 60 this year like me? If so you'll want to read this really sucky news that I found out today...


Will Congress jump in and fix this? I'd say the odds of that are about the same as a full season of baseball this year.

Well crap, not sure how this might affect me retiring 12-31-2020 @ 65 years of age
Well crap, not sure how this might affect me retiring 12-31-2020 @ 65 years of age
If you are going to be 65 this year it means you were 60 in 2015. That is the year you have to look at. This is for people turning 60 this year, 2020. You can check out your estimated SS payment here: https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/quickcalc/. They should have the 2015 data all accounted for by now. For those of us turning 60 this year it will probably be a couple of years before they get those numbers in.
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Looking back to Feb, being out according to the article would have been huge. Now, march looks like the bottom, but qualifies as a worst week from a vailue perspective. June had a bad week as predicted. I just might take a hiatus COB... hmmmmm.....
Hmm, corporate insider buying of Energy stocks is huge right now. Is the rally about to rotate into energy stocks?

I have a feeling that the S&P 500 finally gaps up and over that stubborn 3393 record high tomorrow. If it closes above there this month then there's this stat to ponder...

This belongs in the bitcoin thread but after reading this piece by Lyn Alden last month I started watching it closely and as soon as I saw it starting to move up toward $10,000 I loaded up on GBTC. :D

Lastly, there's a lot of us Boomer's in the forum. We've definitely had it lucky...
...and I don't blame Millennials at all for having this attitude toward our generation, and since my name happens to be Steve I can relate even more to this...
Old Economy Steven memes | quickmeme
Sure looks like a minor cooling wave is due, but history says we'll probably have to wait a year or two until the bottom channel gets tested. I also see a few reverse H&S patterns in there along with a handle base which both implicate a break above the trend line. Bearish says MACD is very extended.

Definitely a good chart to revisit at a later date due to it's long term implications.
Tsunami, I remember you talking about a rollover, but what percent of your retirement funds are currently in the Roth IRA vs. TSP?

Just looking for ballpark percents, not what any are worth. Also, if you don't mind, do you have any taxable investing accounts in the mix?
I don't consider my Roth IRA to be part of my retirement picture since it was never very big (even though I've had it since the mid-80s, I only put a total of $8500 into it), but over the last couple of years I've grown it to the point where it's now nearly 10% of the value of my TSP. My plan is to use it for things like funding a summer-long road trip next summer, 3 months heading to the west coast to escape the Florida heat and see my kids/grandkids, up to Washington to see my family, a couple weeks here and there in vacation rentals to really explore/hike/photograph some of my favorite places like Mt. Rainier National Park, then up into Canada and back to Florida eventually...visiting lots of National and State parks along the way... so it's mostly a "fun" account, and I'm having fun trading it. I haven't transferred my TSP to an IRA yet (if I do it will be a traditional IRA) but i'm moving in that direction as I'm developing a system to trade it that would do better using ETFs where there are no TSP trading limitations.
I also have two smaller taxable trading accounts, one with TD Ameritrade where my IRA is...I'm also doing well in that one this year (Peter Eliades software is really helping and my trading success rate is an astounding ~80 to 90% this year in all 3 accounts) and one with TradeStation, which I had to open to get Eliades' software.
Eventually at some point in the future if/when I get an inheritance the plan is to invest that entirely in a dividend portfolio. That will round out the overall mix.