Tsunami's Account Talk

"So perhaps we get a spike high today after the Fed news, to complete that matching pair of bookends?"

Bingo, and also (barely!) got the lower close for SPX....and that 13th straight up day for the Dow, for the first time since right before the 1987 crash.

And no, I'm not predicting a crash LOL. Just some interesting numbers at this point.
Don't know if this has been brought up. I think this could be a big improvement for the I fund going forward...


Does anyone know if there's an ETF that tracks the "MSCI All Country World ex-USA and ex-China and Hong Kong Investible Market Index"?

As for the market...looking good for the year-end rally to continue into January, perhaps topping on Cem Karsan's 1/17/24 VIX OpEx date.
He's been pointing to that date for months...

Can't believe I'm approaching 5 years retired. Time flies!
Don't know if this has been brought up. I think this could be a big improvement for the I fund going forward...


Does anyone know if there's an ETF that tracks the "MSCI All Country World ex-USA and ex-China and Hong Kong Investible Market Index"?

As for the market...looking good for the year-end rally to continue into January, perhaps topping on Cem Karsan's 1/17/24 VIX OpEx date.
He's been pointing to that date for months...

Can't believe I'm approaching 5 years retired. Time flies!

Congrats on 5-years in, I'm right behind you!

Great read, for myself I don't invest in China because I don't like the manipulation of their data. While I agree "in principle" we should avoid unethical markets, I find it concerning to think the I-Fund could be used as a 68 Billion dollar political weapon (using our money). The primary concern I have is the definition and application of what is unethical. If we dig hard enough we can find plenty of shady issues with our current investments. Funny thing is (unless I'm mistaken) the I-Fund already doesn't invest in China, so is this nothing more than a symbolic gesture?

Anyhow, remember the TSP-talk member with the I-Fund spreadsheet that would tell you how much the fund could earn on a daily basis before the IFT cutoff? In those days of the unlimited IFTs that was a nice edge to have.
Here's a presentation by the best (in my opinion) Elliott Wave guru out there at the Money Show Virtual Expo on 11/15/23:

Avi's view fits right on with the Fourth Turning, which is clearly unfolding.
If you haven't already read "The Fourth Turning is Here" by Neil Howe, get it and read it, or have someone get it for you for Christmas, and give copies to your kids.
Once you've read it you won't be surprised by any of the crazy news events that have been unfolding and will continue to get worse over the rest of this decade.
You might also want to search for and watch many of Neil Howe's recent interviews.
One example...

Wazzu humiliated Sanders and Son last night in Pullman 56-14...can they now rise up and beat the Huskies in the Apple Cup?
That would be a nice bit of revenge for their role in the demise of the Pac-12.
Go Cougs!
Tom's daily Commentary this evening regarding the similarity of the current market to 1999 sure brings back memories. I'll never forget it.

There was so much excitement in 1999 and everyone was busy getting faster dial-up internet service and opening up brokerage accounts. I transferred my IRA that I had been nurturing for 15 years from Vanguard to Datek (which later became TD Ameritrade) in late 1999 and joined the party.

I started out doing well and increased the account value by over 10% by March of 2000.

Then in late March me and 3 buddies went to Reno to bet on March Madness games and other fun. I'll never forget sitting in a lounge where during the day most of the TV's were tuned to CNBC rather than the basketball games, and everyone was glued to all the green arrows in the ticker on the TV's and talking about all the stocks that were making them rich...Cisco and Broadcom and AOL and such...every day there was news of stock splits and even QQQ had done a 2 for 1 split the prior week...

Well, that was Friday March 24th, 2000. It was the day of the very top. While everyone was all smiles and QQQ was up nearly 4% that morning, little did we know that was the dot.com bubble blow-off top, and what was next...was three loooooong years of misery in the market.

I was a novice trader and over the next 3 years managed to lose 99% of my IRA. Yep, 99%. The final blow was at the end when I put what I had left into a sure thing stock called AremisSoft, a software company that a billionaire (who later committed suicide) was crowing about...turned out it was a scam company owned by two Greeks that pulled off the biggest scam in Wall Street history until Bernie Madoff took that crown...I didn't touch the IRA for a few years after that in disgust and just focused on the TSP, which much of the time I was too terrified to put into stocks due to the PTSD of the IRA losses. Eventually I figured out I could roll it over into a Roth IRA and pay zero taxes since the value was below what I had put into it, and since then over the years I slowly grew it, until last year... boom it really exploded to up over $100K and then even $200K in value, quite the rebound from about $500 in 2003, but it took two decades to do it.

If this link works here's the data on QQQ during the first few months of 2000. Yep, 3/24/00 was the top....

Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ) Stock Historical Prices & Data - Yahoo Finance

I had a pretty good year investing-wise...up about 18% in my traditional IRA that I moved from the TSP 10 months ago. It's all invested in 49 high dividend stocks and fixed income, earning a nice return of 11.54% currently...in the old Roth IRA I didn't do so hot this year, a tiny gain after 100's of trades... too much options trading LOL, but it's all play money and pays for lots of toys and travelling every year...as are two small taxable accounts I have and for those I managed to gain 55% in one and 45% in the other so far this year, not bad...MARA has been the latest money maker for me.

Happy New Year everyone! Can't believe I've now been retired 5 years. I can report there is life after working, and it's even better when you escape the TSP.