Woo hoo, looks like my Green Chili Cheeseburgers emerged victorious...
So....One thing about the folks that leave the TSP, you never hear about how they did out there in the real world. I always wonder if the infinite opportunities to screw up your account in an IRA would result in diminished returns if I left.
If I remember, I'll plan to update how I'm doing in my new traditional IRA quarterly. So, for the first update...
When I left the TSP on February 21st I was up 7.11% for 2023, and remained at that level for a week until the funds showed up in my IRA just an hour before the close on 2/28.
For March, I gained 3.81% in the IRA, so for the YTD I'm up +11.19%.
Looks like that would have me at #15 in the tracker.
I've now got the IRA set up with exactly 50 high dividend equities...about 2% in each of them, lots of diversity...things like preferred stocks, REITs, closed-end funds, baby bonds, business development companies, and energy companies (all selected with the help of Rida Morwa's great "High Dividends Opportunities" service on SeekingAlpha.com). My overall yield is currently a fantastic 10.79%, and year-end "special" dividends will push it over 11%....but....
I worry about what lies ahead for the market right here. Most gurus have thrown in the towel and are bullish, expecting at least 4300 by June.
But it worries me that sentiment is suddenly so one-sided. I can only find two remaining bears among the gurus I follow, and most of the short-term bullish gurus expect a 30%+ drop once we get to a peak over 4300.
I'll have a hard time not selling much of my portfolio if/when I think we're at a major top.
I'll likely do that (not everything, things like preferred stocks and baby bonds don't go down much in share price and just keep pumping out dividends), and put those funds back into SWVXX (now earning 4.68%) and/or SH to short the S&P 500. So many options!....I know, I'll put it all in bitcoin!!
Lastly....so happy that my first grandson was born yesterday...an April Fool LOL...and a second one is due in August...on top of the two granddaughters already lighting up my life.
I went out and bought a USA Today ($3) and Wall Street Journal ($6), to give him when he turns 16 or 18 or whatever, so he can see what was happening on his birthday...
He'll probably say "wow, these only cost $9 back then?!". LOL